Читать книгу The Natural History of Cage Birds - Bechstein Johann Matthäus - Страница 20
ОглавлениеCorvus glandarius, Linnæus; Le Geai, Buffon; Der Holzeher, Bechstein
I have often, during my youth, seen this beautiful species of bird among the peasants of Thuringia confined in cages, and taught to speak. It is about the size of the preceding bird. Its black beak is in shape like that of the carrion crow. The feet are brown, with a slight shade of flesh colour. All the smaller feathers are soft and silky. A purple grey is the most predominant colour; the throat is whitish, the eyes are reddish blue, the rump white; the large coverts have the outer side of the feathers ornamented with small but very brilliant bands, alternately bluish white, light blue, and bluish black, which softly blend one into the other, like the colours in the rainbow, and are a great ornament to the bird.
The only difference in the female is that the upper part of the neck is grey, whereas in the male it is much redder, and that colour also extends to the back.
Habitation. – When wild, the jay frequents woods; above all, those in which there are firs mixed with other trees.
In the house it must be kept in a large cage in the form of a tower, or in any other shape; it is too dirty a bird to be let range at liberty.
Food. – In its wild state it prefers worms, insects, and berries, when acorns and beech-mast fail: it makes great havoc among cherries.
In the cage, it soon becomes accustomed to bread soaked in milk, but it will eat almost any thing, bread, soft cheese, baked meat, and all that comes from table; acorns and beech-mast however are its favourite food. It must be kept very clean, otherwise its soiled and dirty plumage would make it look to great disadvantage. It is better to feed it entirely on corn; it becomes by this means less dirty, and its excrements are not so soft or fœtid. It may be preserved for several years on this food. It must always have fresh water given it, as much for drinking as for bathing.
Breeding. – The jay builds in beech-trees, oaks, and firs. Its eggs are grey spotted with brown. The young which are to be taught to speak must be taken from the nest after the fourteenth or fifteenth day, and fed on soft cheese, bread, and meat: it is easily taught and domesticated. Those which are caught when old cannot be tamed; they are always frightened when any one approaches them, hiding and fasting for several hours afterwards rather then reappear.
Mode of Taking. – Should anyone wish to catch these birds, he must seek in autumn for a lonely tree, about five or six paces from the other trees of the wood, which the birds frequent most; on it lime twigs must be placed. In order to effect this, most of the branches are cut off in such a manner as to form a kind of spiral staircase, commencing about ten or twelve feet from the ground, and extending to within six of the top. After having shortened and reduced the branches to five or six spans in length, the lime-twigs are fixed to them; under the tree must be placed a hut, made of green branches, large enough to contain as many persons as wish to conceal themselves; on the top of this hut is placed a live owl, or one made of clay; even the skin of a hare arranged so that it may be moved, will suffice. Nothing is now wanting to attract the jays but a bird-call, which is made of a little stick with a notch cut in it and a little piece of the bark of the cherry-tree inserted, another bit serving for a cover. On this instrument the voice of the owl, the great enemy of the jays, may easily be imitated; and as soon as they hear it they come from all sides, while their cries must be repeated by the people in the hut, which makes them assemble in still greater numbers. They are soon entangled in the bird-lime, and fall pell mell into the hut, their weight easily dragging them through the slight covering. Many other birds also collect on hearing the deceitful call, and, wishing to assist their brethren, are themselves entrapped. Thus, in a few hours many jays and a great number of other birds may be caught, such as magpies, thrushes, woodpeckers, red-breasts, and tits. Twilight is the best time for this sport.
In the month of July jays may also be taken in the water-trap, where young ones, with their tails only half grown, are most frequently caught; these may yet be taught and tamed.
Attractive Qualities. – Although it is easy to teach the jay to speak, it will in general only repeat single words; but it imitates passably well little airs on the trumpet and other short tunes. Its beautiful colours are a great attraction. It may also be taught to go and come, if in the country: but in the city it is not so easily taught this as crows and ravens.