Читать книгу Willow Cottage – Part Four: Summer Delights - Bella Osborne, Bella Osborne - Страница 8

Chapter Thirty-Six


Beth balled up the cloth in her fists and pulled hard at the sheet she was lying on. Leo was on a conveyer belt being propelled away from her and towards Nick who stood on the other side of the canyon, his arms folded and his expression smug. She felt something up her nose and she tried to dislodge it but someone took her hand away from her face. Her eyes popped open and for a moment all she could see was white light that emphasized the pain in her head and made her blink hard. Her eyes darted about her alien surroundings and she saw nothing that was familiar to her. She was suddenly confused and still had the uncomfortable sensation of something up her nose, but her hand was being held down.

‘Can you hear me?’ said a soft voice to her left. Beth turned to look, trying to clear the fuzz that was currently occupying her head and stem the anxiety she felt rising inside.

‘I’m a nursing assistant, you’re in hospital,’ said the voice.

A frown burrowed across Beth’s forehead as she tried hard to focus on the rather young person in blue seated on her left. Confusion turned to panic. She tried again to reach her nose and was thwarted by the warm touch of the nurse’s hand.

‘It’s oxygen,’ she said. ‘It’s helping you. You’re going to be fine. Your friend will be back in a minute. I’ll go and tell Staff Nurse that you’re awake.’

Beth was trying hard to make sense of what was going on. Was she still dreaming? Her mind would have been a blank had it not been filled with something akin to swirling marshmallow. She felt sick and she wanted to sleep but she also wanted to know what the hell was going on. She closed her eyes until the sound of someone moving the chair next to her forced her curiosity and she opened an eye. She watched Petra’s bottom jiggle about as she moved her bag and coat off the seat.

‘Petra?’ said Beth, her voice barely a croak. She was still totally confused but pleased to see something she recognized even if it was Petra’s behind.

Dovraga!’ Petra held on tight to her paper cup and cursed in Croatian. ‘You’re awake! I was here for ages and I only left for the toilet and this,’ she said, waving the cup. ‘Oh, but this is very good that you wake up, even if I am not here.’ She gave Beth a kiss on the cheek before sitting down. ‘How do you feel?’

‘Rubbish,’ said Beth, her hand reaching up to touch the tubes that were uncomfortably violating her nostrils. She tried to swallow but her mouth and throat were too dry. ‘Leo?’ He was always the first thing on her mind, even when her mind was a blur of confusion.

‘He’s fine,’ said Petra sharply and she began fussing with Beth’s covers.

‘What’s going on? Why am I here?’ She gazed around to check her surroundings again but still nothing rang any bells – she had no recollection of how she had got there.

‘Your boiler is leaking gas. It made you very sick and you collapsed.’

Beth stared at Petra while her addled brain attempted to take in the information.

‘The boiler?’ said Beth. Her head hurt and her brain felt like it was on a go-slow. Nothing was making sense.

‘Jack got you out. I came with you in the ambulance.’

‘Ambulance? I don’t remember,’ said Beth, shaking her head a fraction. It was a frightening feeling that something serious had happened and yet she had no recollection of any of it.

‘I am sorry. I think the plumber was a not very good one. Jack worked it out and ran out of the pub and I wondered what …’

‘Where is Jack?’ asked Beth, scanning the busy area as the many moving people and accompanying chatter in the busy hospital ward started to register.

‘I don’t know,’ said Petra, sipping from the paper cup and breaking eye contact. Beth could sense the tension in her voice. ‘Still at the cottage I think.’

‘Petra, you’re a terrible liar.’ Beth spoke slowly. ‘What’s going on?’

She winced. ‘When they bundled me into the ambulance with you Jack was with the paramedics.’ Petra’s expression was one of grave concern.

‘Paramedics?’ Why couldn’t she recall any of this herself? The effort of trying to remember was making her head pound even more.

‘He was lying on the ground. He wasn’t conscious.’ Petra shook her head.

‘Why? What’s wrong with him? What happened?’ Beth fidgeted in the bed, getting impatient with the drip-fed story.

‘When he was rescuing you he was also poisoned by the gas,’ said Petra, closing her eyes.

Beth sensed the seriousness of the situation but without any recall it was difficult to comprehend what exactly had happened, like switching on a murder mystery part way through. But there was one thing that was suddenly very clear to her.

‘Who’s looking after Leo?’

Carly spun round in her seat to check she wasn’t imagining it. Fergus was blinking slowly and a smile played on his lips.

‘Oh my God, you’re awake!’ Carly forgot the wires and threw herself onto Fergus, setting off alarms all over the place and two nurses came running over.

‘Oof,’ said Fergus. ‘Mind the spam!’

Rosemary clutched his arm and cried silent tears, her lips moving in hushed prayer.

Cormac stood up, leaned over and clasped Fergus’s hand in both of his. ‘You took your time there, son.’

Carly moved out of the way while the nurses reconnected wires and started checking Fergus over. Fergus appeared more than confused by the tears and attention.

‘Hello, Fergus. I’m a nurse and you are in University College Hospital. Can you remember what happened to you?’ Fergus stared at the nurse’s moving lips as she spoke.

‘I got engaged?’ he said, looking happy but still confused.

‘Is the boy delirious?’ asked Cormac, swinging his head round to address the older of the two nurses now engrossed in jotting down information from the surrounding machines. The nurse gave Cormac a hard stare.

‘Fergus is deaf, would you like me to translate?’ asked Carly. With Carly’s help the nurse asked Fergus a few simple questions and his correct answers had her ticking boxes with a flourish.

‘He needs to rest,’ said the nurse to Cormac. ‘Maybe come back in a while?’

‘Ach, are you serious? I’ve been sat here so long my bum’s gone numb and now he’s finally woken up you want me to leave?’ Cormac was laughing in between his words but the nurse wasn’t registering any humour.

‘You scared us all, you big eejit,’ signed Carly and Fergus grinned back at her.

‘I have no idea what’s going on but I feel like I’ve had a massive spliff,’ said Fergus, his voice a little wobbly.

‘Tell him his mother’s here!’ said Cormac, losing his whimsical air and pointing to Rosemary still praying at Fergus’s side.

‘I know she’s here. Hiya, Mam, are you okay?’ He tilted his head as far as it would go to the right so that he could see her.

Rosemary smiled and patted his hand while fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘I’m fine now, son.’

‘Will someone tell me why I’m here or is this one of those weird dreams where I’ll suddenly be naked and …’ He lifted the sheet and grinned. ‘I’m na-ked!’ he said in a sing-song voice.

Carly started to frantically sign to him. ‘It’s not a dream. You were attacked with a bottle in a bar when you were out with Budgie and Ryan. You’ve been unconscious for three days.’

‘What?’ said Fergus with a beaming smile, which soon faded as he registered the looks on his parents’ faces. Eventually his gaze rested back on Carly, her eyes red with tears, and he took her hand. ‘Seriously?’

Carly nodded. ‘We thought you were going to die.’ It was the first time she’d said it out loud; the words seemed to unleash yet more emotion and a sob escaped.

‘Hey, it’s okay. Look, I’m fine,’ said Fergus, smiling again.

‘You’re on a strong intravenous painkiller and when that wears off you may think otherwise,’ said Carly. She decided she would keep the news about the surgery until a little later as he already looked astonished by the information overload.

‘What day is it?’ he asked cautiously.

‘Easter Monday,’ replied Cormac, moving round to be next to Rosemary. ‘This’ll do nothing for your Messiah complex, so it won’t.’ He shook his head but he was smiling broadly, now standing behind Rosemary with his hands on her shoulders.

‘Easter Monday,’ repeated Fergus.

‘Look, maybe the nurse is right. Perhaps we should leave you to rest,’ suggested Carly, looking across the bed.

Cormac nodded his agreement. ‘She’s right. We’re all pretty knackered too. We’ll be back in later to see you.’ He and Rosemary kissed Fergus’s forehead in turn. ‘Shall we wait for you outside?’ said Cormac to Carly and she nodded. They watched Cormac and Rosemary grip hands tightly as they left.

Fergus studied Carly, her face red and puffy from the tears. His eyes refocused on her left hand and as he rubbed his thumb over her ringless fingers, a frown darted across his forehead and he narrowed his eyes. She could see he was trying to work out what had happened.

She very gently touched his chin so that he would look up and see her speak; she was suddenly exhausted and too tired to be bothered to sign. ‘The ring is safe in my pocket. I didn’t want your parents to find out when you were …’ She tailed off.

‘So I didn’t imagine that you said yes?’

Carly started to grin as she remembered Trafalgar Square. ‘No, you didn’t imagine that.’

He pulled her to him and kissed her. ‘Thank heaven for that. My head is all spaced out.’

‘It’s bound to be, you’ve been through a lot.’

‘And the weirdest thing. I’ve got these songs going round in my head.’ Fergus was puzzled.

‘Oh yeah?’ said Carly, getting to her feet and trying hard to hide a smirk. ‘What songs?’

Fergus chuckled. ‘Really crap ones!’

‘How odd. I’d better go, your mum and dad are waiting. I love you.’

‘I love you too,’ said Fergus.

Carly left the ICU with her hand held up in the ‘I love you sign’ and Fergus grinned as he watched her leave. He looked around and picked up the unfamiliar device that was on his bed. He turned it over in his hand, feeling the vibrations, and followed its cable to his iPhone.

‘What on earth is this?’ he said to himself. He scanned the screen of his phone and saw that it was playing ‘We Are the Cheeky Girls’ on repeat. ‘Bloody hell! Were they trying to finish me off?’

Jack was trying hard not to panic but, between him and the two volunteer search groups, they had checked everywhere there was to check in the village and there was no sign of Leo. Doris had been next to useless but she appeared to have enjoyed her long walk and she trotted along keeping pace with Jack. He was racking his brains for an idea, a clue to where Leo could be, but each thought was hijacked by the fear that he was wasting his time, that Leo was no longer in Dumbleford. He stopped for a second and took in a great lungful of air. He needed to think. Who had he not asked? Jack broke into a speed-walk, which took Doris by surprise as her lead yanked her forward. Jack was heading for Ernie’s. Ernie was the only person Jack hadn’t seen all day; he hadn’t been there at the Easter egg hunt, he wasn’t in the willow tree when the drama all kicked off and there’d been no sign of him since everyone had been searching for Leo.

What was a short walk seemed to take far longer than usual because, when Jack quickened his pace, his whole body ached thanks to the after effects of the carbon monoxide poisoning. A few minutes later he was at Ernie’s, calling through the letterbox and banging on the door. There was no answer – Ernie was missing too. Jack went and knocked on the neighbour’s door, which was quickly answered.

‘Hello, Jack, come in and have a cuppa, won’t you?’

‘Sorry, Audrey, I can’t stop. I’m trying to find Ernie. Have you seen him today?’

Audrey looked momentarily disappointed but she soon recovered and pondered the question. ‘I saw him leave about ten-ish I think. No, it was before ten because afterwards the news came on the radio …’

‘Thanks, Audrey,’ said Jack and he pulled an inquisitive Doris away and walked to the corner of Ernie’s road. He stood there for a moment catching his breath as if he were unfit. The carbon monoxide had taken its toll; he hoped its effects would soon wear off. His mind darted to Beth and it spurred him on. He needed to find Leo and for some reason he felt finding Ernie would hold some answers. He needed to think like Ernie and that gave him a sense of despair, for who knew how Ernie thought? It was hard to tell. He understood most things, it was communicating he struggled with, especially since Wilf had died. Wilf, that was it, thought Jack. Where would Ernie and Wilf have gone if they were troubled? He had no idea but he knew someone who might.

‘Stop the bloody banging!’ yelled Shirley moments before she opened her front door. ‘Oh, it’s you, what’s up?’ she said, standing in front of him with a limp cat under her arm. Jack looked at Mittens and felt the panic rise as he squinted at Doris, who was engrossed in sniffing the doorstep. Jack pointed elaborately at Doris and then Mittens, who had already clocked the large dog in her vicinity and was now starting to do something akin to the backstroke in mid-air.

‘Shut the door,’ said Jack softly.

‘Why? Don’t be ridiculous, they’re fine,’ said Shirley but Mittens made a break for it over Shirley’s shoulder and the movement and flash of white landing in Doris’s view kicked off World War Three. Doris charged into Shirley’s house and Jack had to let go of the lead as it was yanked from his grip or risk knocking Shirley over. Shirley shook her head. ‘Well, you’d better come in,’ she said, the reluctance evident in her voice.

Jack didn’t have time for this. His mind was a throbbing whirl of worries. There was no word on how Beth was. The thought of anything happening to her concerned him more than he cared to admit. He dared not ring Petra because the first question would be, ‘Where is Leo?’ And the sick feeling that was overpowering him was less to do with the poisoning and more to do with the creeping fear that Leo had been abducted. The pain that would cause Beth was too much to comprehend. She would never forgive him.

Jack shot past Shirley and she shut the door as a high-speed Mittens came skidding across the polished parquet floor. Shirley scooped Mittens up into her arms and the cat clung to her cardigan like Velcro, her tail the size and colour of a bleached toilet brush. Doris came to a halt in front of them and proceeded to bark her excitement.

‘Now stop,’ said Shirley and she bent her small frame forward and rested a bony finger on Doris’s wet nose. Doris stopped barking and went to lick the finger, her eyes shooting to the cat who was now very close indeed. Jack went to grab Doris’s collar. ‘No!’ said Shirley firmly. ‘They need to sort this out between the two of them.’

Jack struggled to think of a worse idea. ‘I think they said the same about Germany and Poland and look how that turned out!’ He agitatedly ran his hands through his hair. Shirley gave him an old-fashioned look. ‘I’m kind of in a hurry,’ said Jack, checking his watch and wishing he hadn’t as it reminded him of how long Leo had been missing and that it would soon start to get dark.

Shirley ignored him and carried Mittens off into the kitchen with Doris trotting after her in silence. Jack stood in the hallway shaking his head. This was getting him nowhere and precious time was ticking away. He could now see a glimpse of the madness of Dumbleford that Beth referred to.

The kitchen door reopened. Shirley came out and carefully closed the door behind her. Jack gave her a quick once-over with his eyes but she appeared to be all intact – no scratches, no bite marks.

‘Don’t worry about them. What was it you were in such a hurry for?’ asked Shirley.

‘Yes, right,’ said Jack, reordering his thoughts. ‘Wilf and Ernie, was there somewhere they liked to go? Or perhaps a place they played when they were children?’

Shirley was staring at Jack like he’d gone loopy. ‘Why?’

‘Leo and Ernie are missing.’

Shirley drummed her fingers across her lips while she thought. ‘They used to play at the farm, we all did,’ said Shirley, her face softened by a smile as her eyes wandered off to somewhere over Jack’s right shoulder.

‘Bramble Hill Farm?’ asked Jack, his mind whirring away trying to work out his quickest route there.

‘Yes, we had such jolly good fun up there, me and the boys,’ said Shirley with a girlish giggle and Jack’s eyes widened.

‘Anywhere else?’

Shirley gave a pout as she thought. ‘On the green, obviously, and the farm and all the fields around and about.’

Jack felt his shoulders sag. Fields and countryside surrounded the village; it was impossible to cover it all before dark but he started towards the front door all the same. A thought struck him. ‘Was there anywhere that was a sanctuary, Shirley? Somewhere you would escape to?’

Willow Cottage – Part Four: Summer Delights

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