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Table of Contents

  Portrait of Author

 Correct Position of Body in Side-Saddle

 Incorrect Position of Body

 Correct Position of Legs

 Another Position of Legs

 Incorrect Position of Legs

 Incorrect Position of Legs

 Correct Position with Horse in Action

 The Position of the Child on the Left of the Picture is Correct and that of the Child on the Right is Incorrect

 Correct Position of Reins

 Reversing Position of Curb and Snaffle Reins

 Correct Position for Park Riding

 Reins in Both Hands

 Mounting without Assistance

 Mounting with Assistance


 Dismounting with Assistance

 Dismounting without Assistance

 Correct Costume for Young Girls Riding Astride

 Correct Position for Riding Astride

 The “Cowboy” Western Costume and Saddle

 Mounting English Fashion

 Mounting English Fashion (Another Way)

 Mounting Military Fashion

 Mounting Either Fashion



 Over Post and Rail

 A High Jumper and Hunter (Taconite)

  Giving Him His Head Over a Jump (Heatherbloom)

 Positions of Hands in Hunting

 Side-Saddle, Position Rising, Hands and Body Forward

 Astride, Position of Legs, Hands, and Body at Top of Jump

 Side-Saddle, Front View, Rising

 Coming Down

 A Good Type of Hunter, Bred in Virginia (Philosopher)

 A Good Type of Hunter, Bred in the North (Ripple)

 Correct Hunting Costume

 Sandwich Cases and Flasks

 Lady’s Park Hack Type (Corinne)

 Lady’s Park Hack (Marksman) as He was when First Shown

 Marksman a Year Later, after He had been “Fined Down,” when He Won the Championship

 Lined Up

 Safety Stirrup, Open

 Safety Stirrup, Closed

 Riding Clothes

 New Style Costume for Park Riding

 Old Style (1887) Postilion Coat

 A Winter Habit

 A Smart Summer Habit

 Stiffed-Legged Boots. Field Boots


 Lady’s Park and Hunting Saddle

 Side-Saddle with Wide Pommels and Safety Flap

 Side-Saddle with Narrow Pommels and Safety Flap Up

 Side-Saddle with Stirrup Adjustable from Off Side

 The Same Side-Saddle, Off Side, Showing Spring Flap which Holds Flap Up or Down at Will, Permitting Rider to Adjust Girths or Stirrup Leather While Mounted

 Diagram for Measuring Side-Saddle

 Double-Girth. Fitz-William Girth. Corded Girth

 Adjusting Stirrup from Off Side

 Plain Snaffle. Bit and Bridoon. Bit and Bridoon with Cavesson

  Correctly Saddled and Bridled for Hunting

 Varieties of Riding Bits

 Bits and Bridles

 Lady’s Cross-Saddle with Rolls. Lady’s Cross-Saddle, Plain Flap. Light-Weight Saddle, Flaps Cut Forward

 Champion Saddle Mare (Lady Bonnie)

 Combination Type (Lady Macdonald)

 English Type of Lady’s Park Hack

 Light-Weight Thoroughbred Lady’s Riding Horse (Indian Flower)

 Thoroughbred Hunter (Sunday Morning)

 Perfect Type of Heavy-Weight Thoroughbred Riding Horse (Heartspring)

 Show Winner in Park Hack Classes (Sonia)

 High-Stepping Park Hack (Roslyn)

 An Old-Fashioned Combination Type (Warwick)

 Combination Type (Mayo)

 Lightfoot, Winner of Ladies’ Saddle Class at Age of Twenty-Three

 Show Pony

 Polo Pony

 Welsh Pony. The Best Type for Children

 Kentucky Bred Lady’s Riding Horse (Dixie)

 Points of a Horse

 Lady’s Western Park Hack (Pink Lady)

 George IV Phaeton

 Inspection of the Harness

 Getting Length of the Reins

 Stepping into the Trap

 “Orthodox” Position of Reins and Whip

 “Modern” Position of Reins with Loop

 Correct Position for Shortening Reins

 Pulling Up

 Styles of Ladies’ Traps, Country and Town


 Pulling Reins Through Terret after Pulling Up

  A Perfectly Appointed Road Coach with Postilion (London-Brighton, 1907)

 Position of Four-in-Hand and Tandem Reins in Left Hand

 Four-in-Hand Harness

 Winding Lash after Catching Thong

 Measuring the Reins

 Lady’s Four-in-Hand

 Lady’s Four-in-Hand Turning to the Right

 High Tandem Cart

 Tandem from Bay Shore, Long Island, Show, 1911

 Correct Tandem Harness for Show Ring

 Correct Position of Hands Driving Four-in-Hand or Tandem

 Perfectly Appointed Lady’s Pair

 Lady’s Single Basket Phaeton

 Western Style of Gig Horse

 Driving a Pair to a George IV Phaeton

 Basket Phaeton

 Correct Groom’s Livery


 Proper Adjustment of Bearing Reins

 Single Phaeton Harness

 Single Road Harness

 Double Road Harness

 English Phaeton Pair Harness

 A Hempstead Cart

 (Newsboy) A Prize-Winning Runabout Entry

 Judge’s Stand in Open Air Show

 Gymkhana Games at Country Show



Table of Contents

“I think I could turn and live with animals,

They are so placid and self-contained;

I stand and look at them long and long,

They do not sweat and whine about their condition,

They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins;

They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God;

Not one is dissatisfied. Not one is demented with the mania of owning things;

Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago.”

Walt Whitman.

Riding and Driving for Women

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