Читать книгу Her Secret Alaskan Family - Belle Calhoune - Страница 8


“She really is the sweetest baby I’ve ever seen...”

“I like to think she takes after me,” Hank said in a teasing voice.

“I think she’s really fortunate to have you, Hank,” Sage murmured. “Your devotion to her is crystal clear.”

“I think we’re blessed to have one another,” Hank said, warmed by Sage’s words. He reached out and gently took Lulu from Sage’s arms. A little sigh escaped Sage’s lips as he made the transfer.

Being so close to her was a dangerous thing, as he’d discovered earlier at the diner. The more time he spent in her presence, the more appealing she seemed. As it was, he found himself thinking about her at random moments during the day.

All of his professional instincts were warning him that something was off with Sage, yet his heart was pulling him in her direction.

Despite his firm resolve to have nothing to do with the beautiful schoolteacher, Hank was having a difficult time ignoring the yearning sensation he felt every time she was in his orbit...

Her Secret Alaskan Family

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