Читать книгу Fauxhawk - Ben Doller - Страница 9
don’t go squawk in the forceps shop
go (up) (get born) amok!
rundown your block in a toque or in a flock of spots all tigerlilylike
or just stop giving order
to don’t go get shot
you’re not and never
will be hawk
rather one of those delicious birds
who chooses walks
I taught I taw tis evening evening’s cotillion, thing-
craft as a comet complex, copper-cropt-cop buzzard, in its sliding
through the slipstream sonic boom booms the freon-drawn air, and wilding
right there, how it sang upon the scene a careening screaming
in its targeting! Then on, on on it flings
as its steel hurl rolls hard towards a compound: the remote eyeing
reset the map-scale. My flesh in writhing
groaned for a drone,—the R/C of, the detachment of the sling!
Bully booty and power and tact, oh, flair, guide, BOOM!, here
Rubble! AND the pyre that breaks into flame then, a zillion
Times told shinier, more mushroomy, O my musketeer!
No wonder in it: vaped bods make Cloud-cowed civilian
Ka-Ching, kids disremembered, ah my dear,
the report cannot be independently verified.
my stooges shirt
my stooge
popular iggy peanut butter
I wear my stooges under work shirts
to stage rage to play
a little ditty to raw power
to passenge alive in
sweatwater bathtops
in heroin hats
the white rats
covered up
half shaved
curing a common