Читать книгу A Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin - Бенджамин Франклин - Страница 31



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WE have much in the present day on the spiritual care which the divine Father exercises over his creatures in this world. We consider it clear that God has angels who guard, protect, and take care of that portion of the human family which put their trust in him. That the first Christians believed that a good man had an angel, is clear, from Acts xii. 15. When the Apostle Peter was delivered from prison by a miracle, and his voice was heard at the gate, where several disciples were collected, they could not believe it was him, but said, “It is his angel.”

Speaking of his disciples, the Lord said, “In heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” Mat. xviii. 10. This shows clearly that the disciples of Christ have angels. Paul says, “But to which of the angel said he at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” The heirs of salvation then have ministering angels, who wait upon them continually, and at the same time behold the face of God in heaven.

Some men seem perplexed to see the use of prayer, unless God operates upon the hearts of christians by an abstract spirit; but if the ever blessed Father keeps ministering angels about them as a mighty wall, and thus guards, protects and preserves them, it would seem to involve the same necessity for prayer, that would be involved if he should do it any other way. Why should it not? With us, we consider ourselves under the same obligations, should God be pleased to preserve us in one way, that we would be, should he do it in another. Not only so, but the man of God ought to have confidence enough in God to believe he will answer any petition asked, according to his will, whether he has told us or not.

A Book of Gems, or, Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin

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