Читать книгу Adamonde - Benjamin Vance - Страница 3



Have you ever rested in cool summer grass on a clear, starlit night, interlocked your fingers behind your head and looked; really looked at the heavens. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt you’ve wondered if there are creatures like us out there. Have you also wondered if they could be as screwed up as we are? Have the myriad movies about evil aliens tilted your thinking toward, “Shoot first and ask questions later”?

If you were fortunate or unfortunate enough to be the first greeter, what would you do? Certainly the great movies, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Star Man” should give one pause about what could happen if an alien came in peace to help our world. If our government or any other government sensed a weakness, the alien would probably disappear forever. Why do you think that would happen?

What is it about our present un-civilized state that would prompt such an unwelcoming? An article in a respected professional journal highlighted the euthanasia and testing of an otherwise healthy kitten because it simply had red teeth. The cause has been historically documented and a tooth or blood could have been taken to test and verify the cause, but the rationalization used for euthanasia was to understand if the rest of the litter was susceptible. Could the justification actually have been to support an article for that very professional journal?

Is this the same tendency which leads us to dissect frogs to see what’s inside? If extra-terrestrials really came in peace, would they have to bring an armada or advanced technology to enforce their peaceful intent, or would they just have to hide and avoid detection until our civilization outgrows reality television and matures … or finally destroys itself? With either scenario, would the alien mission be a failure or a success?


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