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To say that writing movie reviews about comic book films is my destiny is not something that I would tout as one of my greatest accomplishments but it is certainly very cool. As a child I was always surrounded by great movies. My family is a family of cinephiles so I simply played along. As I grew older I learned that it wasn’t considered normal to obsess over films, which I thought was odd because people really seem to like movies. All of the pop culture I was exposed to centered on films with branding involving clothes, toys, and video games. Comic book and movie themed birthday parties were common place.

So what’s the big deal?

Why is it wrong to discuss ideas about who should be cast as Jean Gray, or who the next Batman villain should be? These are life altering important decisions! In college at Colorado State University I started writing movie reviews on a now defunct website called The Keen and Hair Reviews which was my attempt to be the Roger Ebert of the Twenty-First century.

Writing film reviews is unrewarding and serves no real purpose but to be therapeutic. It’s also a great way to create rote responses to people who continually ask me my opinions on a new film’s. Why are people asking me about my opinion all of the time? It’s because I became a full time manager at Grand Slam Sports Cards and Comics in 2008 after my career in teaching social studies was sidelined for numerous reasons. As a person who sits behind the comic counter I immediately become the pop culture expert. In fact it almost becomes my responsibility to see these comic book films first thing when they are released. I would like to say that the majority of the

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The Rise of Comic Book Movies

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