Читать книгу The Neutrality Trap - Bernard S. Mayer - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page



Preface Our Purpose Our Perspectives Our Partnership How the Book Is Organized

Part One: Engaging Conflict Chapter One: Engaging and Disrupting for Social Change Strategic Disruption Constructive Conflict Nonviolence and Disruption Resolution, Engagement, and Disruption Disrupting Systems of Oppression Acting Small, Dreaming Big Disrupting for What: A Guiding Vision Chapter Two: The Neutrality Trap The Limits of Dialogue Neutrality, Impartiality, and Objectivity If Not Neutrality, Then What? The Transparency Challenge Activists or Professionals The Many Faces of the Neutrality Trap: Fairness and False Equivalence Power and Neutrality Chapter Three: Intersectionality and Social Change Understanding Our Intersectionality Intersectionality and Oppression Challenging the Marginalization of the “Other” Experiencing Conflict Through Intersectionality Moving Away from a Single Story Acknowledging Pain in Ourselves and Others The Conscious and Unconscious Bases of Racism Race, Gender, and Colonialism A Note About Performativity, Virtue Signaling, and Change Chapter Four: Constructive Engagement What Is Constructive Conflict Engagement? The Uses and Misuses of Dialogue Finding Solutions Optimism and Realism About System Change

Part Two: Deepening Conflict Chapter Five: The Hope and Challenge of Enduring Conflict The Faces of Conflict Strategies for Enduring Conflict I: Confronting Avoidance Strategies for Enduring Conflict II: The Use of Representative Conflict Strategies for Enduring Conflict III: Durable Communication and Sustainable Power Sustaining Ourselves in Enduring Conflict Chapter Six: Beyond Evil, Stupid, and Crazy: Systems of Privilege and Oppression Three Crutches System Concepts for Change Are We Experiencing the Beginnings of a Paradigm Shift? A Return to Crazy, Stupid, and Evil: Are Racists Evil?

Part Three: Strategic Disruption Chapter Seven: From Chaotic to Strategic Disruption Good Trouble The Power of Nonviolence (and the Choices It Offers) Enduring Disruption Storytelling and Social Media Chapter Eight: Allies, Teams, and Leaders Team Leadership and Leadership of Teams Trust and Psychological Safety Can Elites Be Allies for Change? The Need for a Common Purpose The Power of Community Leaders and Boundaries Leaders, Followers, Facilitators, and Allies Chapter Nine: Disrupting and Connecting for Social Change: A Forward Look Conflict Specialists and Social Change; Social Activists and Constructive Engagement The Power and Vulnerability of the Status Quo OK Boomer: Social Change Across Generations Truth Telling and Solidarity Finding Sustenance in Struggle Remember George Floyd


10  Acknowledgments

11  About the Authors

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement


Cover Page

Table of Contents

Title Page




Begin Reading

The Neutrality Trap


10  About the Authors

11  Index

12  End User License Agreement











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The Neutrality Trap

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