Читать книгу Medusa´s child - Bernhard StoEver - Страница 6

Toxic fog


Clouds of mist descended over the silent sea. No breeze stirred, only the pale light of a waning moon reflected dully in the deep blue of the sea.

From afar it could be heard the dull throb of a slowly approaching freighter. The engines continued to rumble a few more times before finally falling silent. A deadly calm seized the sea. The freighter drifted silently out of the protective fog. The rattling noise of an anchor chain broke the ghostly silence for a moment. On the deck, a task force was preparing for their mission. Their brutal leader, a giant of a man, gave a hissing order and the men shouldered their snub-nosed machine guns. They led the dinghies into the water and jumped in. With half strength they chugged quietly towards the coast.

The inhabitants of the small village had no idea of the deadly disaster that would soon befall them. They were sleeping peacefully, only the dogs began to bark restlessly. They sensed the danger, but it was already too late. Without making a sound, the men entered the small round huts and opened fire. The rattle of the machine guns mingled with the horrified cries of those condemned to death. After a few minutes everything was over. From the villagers only the women and children were spared. They were rounded up in the middle of the village and tied together with ropes. The bodies of the men were left in the huts. Like a human caravan, the prisoners were led in a long line to the boats. Her screams pierced the innocent night. The prisoners were barely stowed in the hold, when the engines started up again. Slowly the slave ship disappeared with its human freight in the mist.


Medusa´s child

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