Читать книгу Dance, Belle, Dance! - Beth Huffman - Страница 7



The ride home was exactly like I thought it would be. Mom asked Belle how her night had gone. She gave the same answer she always does when she isn’t paying attention.

“Uh, I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

Dad tried to get her to say something that sounded half-way normal. “Now you know what happened. Tell Mom and Macey what Mrs. Heldman had everyone do. Tell them about getting in a circle.”

When she didn’t answer, he tried again. “Belle, what did you have to say?”

“I had to say my whole name. What else, Daddy?”

“You had to tell everyone your favorite color.”

“Oh, that’s right. I said I love pink, purple, blue and yellow. Some kids started laughing. I didn’t think it was funny. Did you, Daddy?”

I should have kept my mouth shut but I didn’t. “They were laughing because your answer was totally stupid. You were only supposed to say one favorite color.”

“I don’t care. I like a lot of colors. Hey Macey, when we get home, let’s make hot fudge sundaes. Then we can play some video games.”

Mom quickly put a stop to that. “No ice cream before bed and no video games. You can have a bowl of cereal or fruit. You’re also going to need another bath. Why exactly did you draw blue lines on your hands and legs?”

“I saw some boy do it tonight. It looked fun.”

Mom gave Dad a serious dirty look. “Jeff, why didn’t you keep a closer eye on her?”

“Caroline, she was darting around the room all night. I couldn’t keep up with her.”

As soon as we got home, I headed straight to my bedroom and slammed the door. Even though I covered my ears with pillows, I could still hear Belle’s voice. When Mom was begging her to stop splashing the bath water, she said, “Mommy, I want to have a sleepover with Macey tonight.”

“No. You have school tomorrow. You’re sleeping in your own bed and that’s final.”

Five minutes later, my bedroom door flew open and she vaulted onto the bed. “You look funny. You’re hiding under your pillows, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m trying to hide from you and your big mouth. Go to bed!”

“But I’m not tired. I have a secret plan. Wanna hear what it is?”

“Sure. Tell me. I can’t stand the suspense.”

“Okay. Here it is. When Mommy and Daddy are asleep, I’m going to tiptoe past their room and sleep with you.”

“No way! If you don’t leave by the time I count to three, I’m slugging you with my pillow. One … two … two and a half …”

“Stop counting! Mom said I could sleep with you.”

“You BIG LIAR! I heard what she told you. Do you even get it that you’re starting school tomorrow?”

“I think I get it but I’m not sure. I wish it was summer all year long, don’t you? Guess what I’m hiding behind my back?”

“I really don’t care. Go!”

“I will but let’s play a game first. Close your eyes and try to guess what I put in your hand.”

“Okay, my eyes are closed.”

I knew immediately what it was. I didn’t have to open my eyes. Belle had stolen the blue marker from Mrs. Heldman’s desk.

Dance, Belle, Dance!

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