Читать книгу Small-Town Redemption - Beth Andrews - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

One of the things I love most about writing is discovering my characters. It never fails: I start a book thinking I know each character’s complete backstory, personality and the traits that will make them fully developed and realistic. I often have page upon page of notes outlining their strengths and flaws, how they’ll react to others and what it will take to push them out of their comfortable—if not completely fulfilling—existence, and into the lives they were meant to live.

And then, as I’m writing, something always, always takes me by surprise. A previously cynical hero turns out to be shy and romantic. A heroine who was supposed to be a sweet-natured pushover fights her way through a story. It’s these surprising insights that, I think, make my characters become people we want to root for and stick with throughout an entire book.

That’s exactly what happened with Kane Bartasavich, the sexy bartender first introduced in What Happens Between Friends (Mills & Boon Superromance, August 2013). I thought Kane was your typical bad boy. He had the looks and the attitude, after all. He was, in my mind, a loner with a chip on his shoulder, someone no one could get close to.

Until his teenage daughter showed up at his apartment.

Yes, I was surprised by that development. But the more I wrote, the more I realized I’d initially shortchanged Kane by labeling him as just another bad boy. He’s so much more—which Charlotte Ellison quickly realizes!

I loved writing Kane and Charlotte’s story and revisiting the town of Shady Grove. Later this year my fifth book in the In Shady Grove series will be out, where charming playboy Leo Montesano meets his match. I hope you’ll look for it!

Please visit my website, www.bethandrews.net, or drop me a line at beth@bethandrews.net. I’d love to hear from you.

Happy reading!

Beth Andrews

Small-Town Redemption

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