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This is where I get to thank the awesome people who helped give this story life.

Two very special ladies brainstormed and critiqued this tale from beginning to end. Barb Hisle and Cynthia Valero—if I baked, I’d whip you up a lifetime of mouthwatering brownies!

Two other very special ladies provided me with never-ending cyber hugs and support. Mary Stella and Julia Templeton—clinking my cyber champagne glass to yours!

One very special husband put up with my cranky moods and crappy housekeeping when in the throes of deadline hell. Steve Ciotta—are you feeling the love?

One special agent who “gets me” and “champions me.” Amy Moore-Benson—I’m saving a dance, any dance, for you.

One special editor who handled this story and the creator with tender loving care. Keyren Gerlach—you’re one of a kind.

One special soul who bid on a mention in this tale via a donation to an extremely worthy cause. Kerri Waldo—your generous spirit gave a character life. Enjoy!

Countless special individuals at HQN who worked together to create a fantastic package (love my cover!) and to market this story far and wide—my heartfelt gratitude.

Last, but most importantly, a mega-huge, very enthusiastic nod to booksellers, librarians and YOU, the reader. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to share the stories of my heart.

Thank you all!

Out of Eden

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