Читать книгу A Dream Came True - Бетти Нилс - Страница 2

“You have good taste,”
Lady Manderly admitted.


“Your clothes are rather dull, but then of course you have to buy things which will wear well, but I must admit that you make the most of them.” She got up from the dinner table. “I shall read this evening and you shall play to me.”

Jemima played Ravel, Bach, My Fair Lady, Bitter Sweet and then back to Ravel and finally Delius.

“That’s very sad,” observed her listener as she finished and sat quietly with her hands folded in her lap. “Do you feel sad, Jemima?” It was so unexpected a question coming from Lady Manderly, who had never expressed any interest in her before, that Jemima couldn’t think of a ready answer. “You are in love, perhaps?”

Jemima looked down at her hands and willed herself not to blush. “That would hardly fit into my life at present, Lady Manderly. Would you like me to continue playing?”

A Dream Came True

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