Читать книгу The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon - Betty Shine - Страница 7
ОглавлениеTWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, I discovered an energy around the head that reacted to every emotion and every thought. I decided to call it Mind Energy. Further study, through my abilities as a medium and healer, has given me positive proof that this energy is not only the powerhouse that drives the brain, but an indestructible force that survives the death of the physical body (which includes the brain) and which holds, for ever, the records of past and present lives.
No one can deny the incredible feats that the brain can achieve in conjunction with Mind Energy, but eventually, like the rest of the body, the brain will deteriorate and die. At this point, Mind Energy leaves and goes back to the source, the Universal Mind.
Brain surgeons, of course, understand the brain and its various biological functions. I do not. They, in turn, do not understand the mind. How can they? Unless they have a particular clairvoyant gift enabling them to see this energy, they cannot study it. But I have studied Mind Energy for a quarter of a century, and during that time I have proved the incredible part it plays in the stimulation of the brain and the central nervous system. The scientific and medical establishments ignore this and continue to tell us that the memory is in the brain, and constantly use the word ‘brain’ when they mean ‘mind’, and vice versa. The brain is divided up into different sections which, when triggered by the mind, carry out various functions that stimulate physical reactions. But it is purely physical.
Take the examples of those whose brains, whether through injury or disease, have been permanently affected, yet have been able to communicate and function as though nothing had happened. Although the medical profession has confessed to being puzzled when this happens, I am not surprised, because through my work as a medium and healer I know that everything is recorded first of all in the mind. If the memory is stored in the brain, how do I receive messages from the co-called dead? After all, in these people the brain has ceased to be.
No matter how sceptical professionals may be, they can no longer ignore the incredible evidence that mediums have given over hundreds of years. If they do, they are fools. The mind is energy and cannot be destroyed. It is everlasting. It is able to communicate ‘mind to mind’ with the living, giving proof of survival.
The work of mediums should be recognised as a branch of physics because we study and work with energy structures and the Universe. Unless scientists work closely with intelligent mediums they will never find the Universal answers they are looking for.
At some time in the future, scientists, physicians, mediums and healers will have to work together to perfect the science of whole healing. Many ordinary people throughout the world know the truth, so why then can the scientific community not accept it? Academic training is not enough. There is so much that we do not know, and if we cannot exchange information without prejudice, we will continue in the stalemate position that we have suffered for so long. This would be an immense loss to future generations.
I have friends from every walk of life, and those who have nothing to lose but everything to gain by my teachings are the most adept at changing their lives. They replace negativity with a positive lifestyle, because they overcome their fear of death. They know the mind cannot die, and therefore they enjoy living. They no longer believe that death is the end and lead happier more effective lives because of that knowledge.
I have worked with many doctors and scientists over the years, but they have never been able to tell anyone of their association with me for fear of reprisals from their own profession. Similarly, the lives of many eminent people have been changed because of the help they have received from me, and we have become close friends in the process, but they do not willingly want their names linked with mine. I understand their reticence when it comes to owning up to this particular friendship. Why should they be the butt of ill-mannered jokes? But I believe that it is time for change. It is time to listen and learn from each other – we are all individuals, and as such, should be given the respect we deserve. It is time to co-operate and make the world a better place for everyone, especially innocent children about to enter this very troubled environment.
I have received world-wide recognition for my work on Mind Energy, for which I am truly thankful. I know that I am respected by all who have read my books, or who have met me personally, and that is why I decided to write this book. I want to build bridges, and to teach the world the difference, once and for all, between the mind and the brain.
I would like to thank all those celebrities and sportsmen mentioned by name in this book, for helping me to end the unnecessary stigma suffered by people in my profession. They are all honest, courageous individuals, who long for a more understanding and kinder world for themselves and their families. I would also like to thank those of my friends who have allowed me to use their stories and names in this book. They also deserve their badge of honour, and that is what we should all be seeking – the honour of our respective professions.
I hope this book will make people think twice before they criticise others. I hope it will bring light into the lives of those who are suffering, and those who are terminally ill and fear death. My book is about hope, understanding and love, but most important of all, it is about the survival of the mind, when the physical body and brain have ceased to be.
There is no such thing as death. We have all lived before and we are all going to experience new lives. We simply cannot lose.