Читать книгу The History of Virginia, in Four Parts - Beverley Robert - Страница 9
§21. | Great plenty and variety of fish, | 117 |
Vast shoals of herrings, shad, &c., | 117 | |
22. | Continuality of the fishery, | 118 |
The names of some of the best edible fish, | 118 | |
The names of some that are not eaten, | 118 | |
23. | Indian children catching fish, | 118 |
Several inventions of the Indians to take fish, | 119 | |
24. | Fishing hawks and bald eagles, | 121 |
Fish dropped in the orchard, | 121 |
Wild Fowl and Hunted Game.
§25. | Wild Water Fowl, | 123 |
26. | Game in the marshes and watery grounds, | 123 |
27. | Game in the highlands and frontiers, | 123 |
Of the Opossum, | 124 | |
28. | Some Indian ways of hunting, | 124 |
Fire hunting, | 124 | |
Their hunting quarters, | 125 | |
29. | Conclusion, | 126 |
Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace.
Persons of the Indians, and their Dress.
§1. | Persons of the Indians, their color and shape, | 127 |
2. | The cut of their hair, and ornament of their head, | 128 |
3. | Of their vesture, | 128 |
4. | Garb peculiar to their priests and conjurors, | 130 |
5. | Of the women's dress, | 131 |
Matrimony of the Indians, and Management of their Children.
§6. | Conditions of their marriage, | 133 |
7. | Maidens, and the story of their prostitution, | 133 |
8. | Management of the young children, | 134 |
Towns, Building and Fortification of the Indians.
§9. | Towns and kingdoms of the Indians, | 135 |
10. | Manner of their building, | 135 |
11. | Their fuel, or firewood, | 136 |
12. | Their seats and lodging, | 136 |
13. | Their fortifications, | 136 |
Cookery and Food of the Indians.
§14. | Their cookery, | 138 |
15. | Their several sorts of food, | 139 |
16. | Their times of eating, | 140 |
17. | Their drink, | 140 |
18. | Their ways of dining, | 141 |
Traveling, Reception and entertainment of the Indians.
§19. | Manner of their traveling, and provision they make for it, | 142 |
Their way of concealing their course, | 142 | |
20. | Manner of their reception of strangers, | 143 |
The pipe of peace, | 143 | |
21. | Their entertainment of honorable friends, | 145 |
Learning and Languages of the Indians.
§22. | That they are without letters, | 147 |
Their descriptions by hieroglyphics, | 147 | |
Heraldry and arms of the Indians, | 147 | |
23. | That they have different languages, | 148 |
Their general language, | 148 |
War and Peace of the Indians.
§24. | Their consultations and war dances, | 149 |
25. | Their barbarity upon a victory, | 149 |
26. | Descent of the crown, | 150 |
27. | Their triumphs for victory, | 150 |
28. | Their treaties of peace, and ceremonies upon conclusion of peace, | 151 |
Religion, Worship and Superstitious Customs of the Indians.
§29. | Their quioccassan and idol of worship, | 152 |
30. | Their notions of God, and worshiping the evil spirit, | 155 |
31. | Their pawwawing or conjurations, | 157 |
32. | Their huskanawing, | 160 |
33. | Reasons of this custom, | 164 |
34. | Their offerings and sacrifice, | 165 |
35. | Their set feasts, | 165 |
36. | Their account of time, | 165 |
37. | Their superstition and zealotry, | 166 |
38. | Their regard to the priests and magicians, | 167 |
39. | Places of their worship and sacrifice, | 168 |
Their pawcorances or altar stones, | 168 | |
40. | Their care of the bodies of their princes after death, | 169 |
Diseases and Cures of the Indians.
§41. | Their diseases in general, and burning for cure, | 171 |
Their sucking, scarifying and blistering, | 171 | |
Priests' secrecy in the virtues of plants, | 171 | |
Words wisoccan, wighsacan and woghsacan, | 172 | |
Their physic, and the method of it, | 172 | |
42. | Their bagnios or baths, | 172 |
Their oiling after sweating, | 173 |
Sports and Pastimes of the Indians.
§43. | Their sports and pastimes in general, | 175 |
Their singing, | 175 | |
Their dancing, | 175 | |
A mask used among them, | 176 | |
Their musical instruments, | 177 |
Laws, and Authorities of the Indians among one another.
§44. | Their laws in general, | 178 |
Their severity and ill manners, | 178 | |
Their implacable resentments, | 179 | |
45. | Their honors, preferments and authorities, | 179 |
Authority of the priests and conjurers, | 179 | |
Servants or black boys, | 179 |
Treasure or Riches of the Indians.
§46. | Indian money and goods, | 180 |
Handicrafts of the Indians.
§47. | Their lesser crafts, as making bows and arrows, | 182 |
48. | Their making canoes, | 182 |
Their clearing woodland ground, | 183 | |
49. | Account of the tributary Indians, | 185 |
Present State of Virginia.
Polity and Government.
Constitution of Government in Virginia.
§1. | Constitution of government in general, | 186 |
2. | Governor, his authority and salary, | 188 |
3. | Council and their authority, | 189 |
4. | House of burgesses, | 190 |
Sub-Divisions of Virginia.
§5. | Division of the country, | 192 |
6. | Division of the country by necks of land, counties and parishes, | 192 |
7. | Division of the country by districts for trade by navigation, | 194 |
Public Offices of Government.
§8. | General officers as are immediately commissionated from the throne, | 196 |
Auditor, Receiver General and Secretary, | 196 | |
Salaries of those officers, | 197 | |
9. | Other general officers, | 197 |
Ecclesiastical commissary and country's treasurer, | 197 | |
10. | Other public officers by commission, | 197 |
Escheators, | 197 | |
Naval officers and collectors, | 198 | |
Clerks and sheriffs, | 198 | |
Surveyors of land and coroners, | 199 | |
11. | Other officers without commission, | 199 |
Standing Revenues or Public Funds.
§12. | Public funds in general, | 200 |
13. | Quit rent fund, | 200 |
14. | Funds for maintenance of the government, | 201 |
15. | Funds for extraordinary occasions, under the disposition of the assembly, | 201 |
16. | Revenue granted by the act of assembly to the college, | 202 |
17. | Revenue raised by act of parliament in England from the trade there, | 202 |
Levies for Payment of the Public, County and Parish Debts.
§18. | Several ways of raising money, | 203 |
Titheables, | 203 | |
19. | Public levy, | 203 |
20. | County levy, | 204 |
21. | Parish levy, | 204 |
Courts of Law in Virginia.
§22. | Constitution of their courts, | 205 |
23. | Several sorts of courts among them, | 206 |
24. | General court in particular, and its jurisdiction, | 206 |
25. | Times of holding a general court, | 206 |
26. | Officers attending this court, | 206 |
27. | Trials by juries and empannelling grand juries, | 207 |
28. | Trial of criminals, | 207 |
29. | Time of suits, | 208 |
30. | Lawyers and pleadings, | 208 |
31. | County courts, | 208 |
32. | Orphans' courts, | 209 |
Church and Church Affairs.
§33. | Parishes, | 210 |
34. | Churches and chapels in each parish, | 210 |
35. | Religion of the country, | 210 |
36. | Benefices of the clergy, | 210 |
37. | Disposition of parochial affairs, | 211 |
38. | Probates, administrations, and marriage licenses, | 212 |
39. | Induction of ministers, and precariousness of their livings, | 213 |
Concerning the College.
§40. | College endowments, | 214 |
41. | The college a corporation, | 214 |
42. | Governors and visitors of the college in perpetual succession, | 215 |
43. | College buildings, | 215 |
44. | Boys and schooling, | 215 |
Military Strength in Virginia.
§45. | Forts and fortifications, | 217 |
46. | Listed militia, | 217 |
47. | Number of the militia, | 217 |
48. | Service of the militia, | 218 |
49. | Other particulars of the troops and companies, | 218 |
Servants and Slaves.
§50. | Distinction between a servant and a slave, | 219 |
51. | Work of their servants and slaves, | 219 |
52. | Laws in favor of servants, | 220 |
Provision for the Poor, and other Public Charitable Works.
§53. | Legacy to the poor, | 223 |
54. | Parish methods in maintaining their poor, | 223 |
55. | Free schools, and schooling of children, | 224 |
Tenure of Lands and Grants.
§56. | Tenure and patents of their lands, | 225 |
57. | Several ways of acquiring grants of land, | 225 |
58. | Rights to land, | 225 |
59. | Patents upon survey, | 225 |
60. | Grants of lapsed land, | 226 |
61. | Grants of escheat land, | 227 |
Liberties and Naturalization of Aliens.
§62. | Naturalizations, | 228 |
63. | French refugees at the Manican town, | 228 |
Currency and Valuation of Coins.
§64. | Coins current among them, what rates, and why carried from among them to the neighboring plantations, | 230 |
Husbandry and Improvements.
People, Inhabitants of Virginia.
§65. | First peopling of Virginia, | 231 |
66. | First accession of wives to Virginia, | 231 |
67. | Other ways by which the country was increased in people, | 232 |
Buildings in Virginia.
§68. | Public buildings, | 234 |
69. | Private buildings, | 235 |
Edibles, Potables and Fuel.
§70. | Cookery, | 236 |
71. | Flesh and fish, | 236 |
72. | Bread, | 237 |
73. | Their kitchen gardens, | 237 |
74. | Their drinks, | 238 |
75. | Their fuel, | 238 |
Clothing in Virginia.
§76. | Clothing, | 239 |
Slothfulness in handicrafts, | 239 |
Temperature of the Climate, and the Inconveniences attending it.
§77. | Natural temper and mixture of the air, | 240 |
78. | Climate and happy situation of the latitude, | 240 |
79. | Occasions of its ill character, | 241 |
Rural pleasures, | 241 | |
80. | Annoyances, or occasions of uneasiness, | 243 |
Thunders, | 243 | |
Heat, | 243 | |
Troublesome insects, | 243 | |
81. | Winters, | 250 |
Sudden changes of the weather, | 251 |
Diseases incident to the Country.
§82. | Diseases in general, | 252 |
83. | Seasoning, | 253 |
84. | Cachexia and yaws, | 253 |
85. | Gripes, | 253 |
Recreations and Pastimes in Virginia.
§86. | Diversions in general, | 254 |
87. | Deer-hunting, | 254 |
88. | Hare-hunting, | 254 |
89. | Vermin-hunting, | 255 |
90. | Taking wild turkies, | 256 |
91. | Fishing, | 256 |
92. | Small game, | 256 |
93. | Beaver, | 256 |
94. | Horse-hunting, | 257 |
95. | Hospitality, | 258 |
Natural Product of Virginia, and the Advantages of Husbandry.
§96. | Fruits, | 259 |
97. | Grain, | 261 |
98. | Linen, silk and cotton, | 261 |
99. | Bees and cattle, | 262 |
100. | Usefulness of the woods, | 263 |
101. | Indolence of the inhabitants, | 263 |