Читать книгу Out Of Nowhere - Beverly Bird - Страница 2

“You never showed me your badge,” Tara said defiantly, hoping the stranger didn’t notice how badly she was shaking. “I want to know what I’m dealing with here.”


He reached into the pocket of his jacket and withdrew a little leather case. He flipped it open, but he moved his body as he did, edging in on her space, trapping her against the wall.

Tara couldn’t quite get her breath. Her head filled with his scent, something sharp yet smooth that stroked her nerve endings. She fought the urge to squirm, and concentrated on the badge he was holding in front of her nose.

Tara looked at his eyes in the thin moonlight. They were sharp, watchful eyes, totally at odds with that slow Southern drawl of his. Her teeth started chattering, with a chill she wasn’t aware of feeling.

Oh, she was in so very much trouble….

Out Of Nowhere

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