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Table of Contents

Explanation of Tables of Contents

This book has two tables of contents. The book is primarily organized according to the first table of contents, Pattern Approach to Mammography. By using this table of contents, one is able to identify the histologic entities that create specific mammographic findings. How-ever, for those who want to study the lesions that produce sonographic abnormalities, there is a second table of contents, Pattern Approach to Breast Sonography. This table of contents cross-references clinical cases that illustrate specific sonographic findings.

Pattern Approach to Breast Imaging





List of Contributors

I. Approach to Mammographic Analysis

Chapter 1 Approach to Mammographic Analysis

II. Ultrasound Technique and Cross—Correlation with Mammography

Chapter 2 Ultrasound Technique and Cross—Correlation with


III. Circumscribed Masses

A. Fat Containing Masses

1. Galactocele

Case 1

2. Hamartoma

Case 2

Case 3

3. Lipoma

Case 4

Case 5

4. Oil Cyst/Fat Necrosis

Case 6

Case 7

B. Medium or High Density Masses

1. Benign

a. Angiolipoma

Case 8

b. Cyst

Case 9

Case 10

Case 11

c. Diabetic Fibrous Mastopathy

Case 12

d. Fibroadenoma

Case 13

e. Fibrocystic Change

Case 14

Case 15

f. Hematoma

Case 16

g. Leiomyoma

Case 17

h. Lymph Node

Case 18

i. Nipple Out of Profile

Case 19

j. Papilloma

Case 20

k. Sebaceous Cyst/Inclusion Cyst

Case 21

l. Skin Lesions

Case 22

Case 23

m. Sternalis Muscle

Case 24

n. Vascular Lesions

Case 25

Case 26

2. Malignant or Locally Recurrent

a. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma

Case 27

b. Angiosarcoma

Case 28

c. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma

Case 29

Case 30

Case 31

d. Invasive Papillary Carcinoma

Case 32

e. Lobular Carcinoma

Case 33

f. Lymph Nodes

Case 34

g. Medullary Carcinoma

Case 35

h. Metaplastic Carcinoma

Case 36

i. Metastases

Case 37

j. Mucinous Carcinoma

Case 38

k. Phyllodes Tumor

Case 39

3. Granular Cell Tumor

Case 40

IV. Irregular Masses

A. Benign Masses

1. Adenosis

Case 41

2. Fat Necrosis

Case 42

Case 43

3. Fibroadenoma

Case 44

Case 45

4. Hematoma

Case 46

5. Papillary Lesions

Case 47

6. Radial Scar

Case 48

7. Scar

Case 49

8. Miscellaneous

Case 50

B. Malignant

1. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma

Case 51

Case 52

Case 53

Case 54

Case 55

2. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

Case 56

Case 57

3. Lymphoma

Case 58

4. Tubular Carcinoma

Case 59

Case 60

5. Inflammatory Carcinoma

Case 61

V. Calcifications

A. Large linear

1. Vascular

Case 62

2. Secretory Calcifications

Case 63

Case 64

B. Milk of Calcium

Case 65

Case 66

C. Large Round

Case 67

D. Round Lucent Center

Case 68

Case 69

E. Eggshell/Rim

Case 70

Case 71

F. Coarse Popcorn-Fibroadenoma

Case 72

Case 73

G. Dystrophic

1. Fat Necrosis

Case 74

Case 75

Case 76

2. Foreign Body

Case 77

H. Small Round/ Punctate

1. Skin

Case 78

2. Fibrocystic Change

Case 79

Case 80

Case 81

Case 82

3. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 83

Case 84

Case 85

4. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Case 86

I. Amorphous/Indistinct Microcalcifications

1. Skin Powder/Deoderant

Case 87

2. Fibrocystic Change

Case 88

Case 89

3. Lobular Calcifications

Case 90

4. Fat Necrosis

Case 91

5. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 92

6. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Case 93

7. Miscellaneous

Case 94

J. Heterogeneous/Pleomorphic Microcalcifications

1. Skin Powder/Deoderant

Case 95

2. Fibrocystic Changes

Case 96

3. Fibroadenoma

Case 97

Case 98

4. Fat Necrosis

Case 99

5. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 100

Case 101

6. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma

Case 102

Case 103

7. Miscellaneous

Case 104

Case 105

K. Fine Linear/Branching Microcalcifications

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 106

Case 107

Case 108

2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Case 109

Case 110

3. Miscellaneous

Case 111

VI. Increased Density

A. Generalized Increased Density

1. Lymphedema

Case 112

2. Mastitis

Case 113

3. Inflammatory Carcinoma

Case 114

4. Estrogen Effect

Case 115

B. Large Area Increased Density

1. Fat Necrosis

Case 116

2. Malignant Disease

Case 117

Case 118

C. Focal Asymmetric Density

1. Fibroadenoma

Case 119

2. Lobular Carcinoma

Case 120

Case 121

VII. Architectural Distortion

A. Peripheral Distortion

1. Benign Process

Case 122

2. Radial Scar

Case 123

3. Infiltrating Ductal Cancer

Case 124

4. Mixed Ductal and Lobular Cancer

Case 125

5. Tubular Cancer

Case 126

B. Central Distortion

1. Sclerosing Adenosis

Case 127

2. Radial Scar

Case 128

3. Infiltrating Ductal

Case 129

Case 130

Case 131

Case 132

Case 133

4. Mixed Ductal and Lobular Cancer

Case 134

5. Tubular Cancer

Case 135

VIII. Male Breast

A. Benign

1. Abscess

Case 136

2. Angiolipoma

Case 137

3. Fat Necrosis

Case 138

4. Gynecomastia

a. Nodular Pattern/Normal Fatty Male Breast

Case 139

b. Nodular Pattern

Case 140

c. Dendritic Pattern

Case 141

d. Diffuse Glandular Pattern

Case 142

5. Lipoma

Case 143

6. Lymph Node

Case 144

7. Myofibroblastoma

Case 145

8. Sebacous Cyst

Case 146

B. Malignant

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 147

2. Inflammatory Carcinoma

Case 148

3. Metastatic Tumor

Case 149

4. Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma

Case 150

IX. Postsurgical Findings

A. Augmentation Mammoplasty Findings

1. Subglandular Implants

a. Infected Fluid

Case 151

2. Subpectoral Implants

Case 152

Case 153

3. Silcone Injections

Case 154

4. Normal Findings

a. Bulge

Case 155

b. Fluid

Case 156

5. Implant Calcifications

Case 157

6. Changes After Implant Removal

a. Residual Silicone

Case 158

b. Calcifications

Case 159

c. Pseudocapsule

Case 160

7. Implant Rupture

a. Implant Collapse or Rupture

Case 161

Case 162

Case 163

b. Intracapsular Rupture

Case 164

Case 165

c. Extracapsular Rupture

Case 166

Case 167

d. False Positive for Intra and Extracapsular Rupture

Case 168

8. Neoplasm and Implants

Case 169

Case 170

B. Reduction Mammoplasty

1. Architectural Distortion

Case 171

Case 172

Case 173

2. Fat Necrosis

Case 174

C. Findings After Diagnostic or Therapeutic Procedures for Neoplasm

1. Scar

a. Architectural Distortion

Case 175

Case 176

b. Irregular Density

Case 177

c. Sonographic Technique

Case 178

2. Hematoma

Case 179

3. Fat Necrosis

Case 180

Case 181

4. Pseudoaneurysm

Case 182

5. Lymphedema

Case 183

6. Radiation Changes

Case 184

7. Recurrent Neoplasm

Case 185

Case 186

Case 187

X. Masses Poorly Identified Mammographically

A. Patient Unable to Tolerate Mammogram

Case 188

B. Palpable Masses

1. Young Women

a. Diabetic Mastopathy

Case 189

b. Juvenile Fibroadenoma

Case 190

2. Pregnant or Lactating Women

a. Lactating Adenoma

Case 191

3. Scattered, Heterogeneous, or Extremely Dense Mammogram

a. Abscess

Case 192

b. Angiosarcoma

Case 193

c. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Case 194

d. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma

Case 195

e. Fibrous Histiocytoma

Case 196

f. Normal Structures

Case 197

4. Fatty Mammogram

a. Fat Necrosis

Case 198

b. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma

Case 199

C. Mammogram Underestimates Tumor Size

Case 200

Case 201

D. Mass in Unusual Locations

Case 202

Case 203

E. Ductal Abnormalities

1. Intraductal Papilloma

Case 204

Case 205

2. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

a. Intraductal Mass

Case 206

Case 207

b. Thick Walled ducts

Case 208


Breast Imaging

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