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“Let me get this straight.


“We’ll do things together for a while—uncomplicated things—while we swear off dating until such time as one or both of us feels up to plunging back into the dating pool?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said, looking relieved. “We could swear off chasing the opposite sex while we keep each other company. We could assuage all those male-female urges without the issue getting too complicated,” he explained excitedly. “So, what do you think?”

“Not so fast,” I said. “First, define uncomplicated.”

“I don’t know. Dining, drinks, companionship. Sex.”

He shoved the last part in quickly, and the air stopped somewhere midway in my chest.

“That’s the whole point of this,” he said when I didn’t answer immediately. “Without the sex, we’re right back to bashing our heads against the wall looking for the whole enchilada!”

The more I thought about it the better it sounded.

“This could be a mutually gratifying situation,” he continued.

“Okay,” I said. I was breathing again, but just barely.

Then he smiled.

“When do we start?”

Playing By The Rules

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