Читать книгу Random Rhymes and Rambles - Bill o'th' Hoylus End - Страница 9
O, Welcome, Lovely Summer
ОглавлениеO! welcome, lovely summer,
With thi golden days so long,
When the throstle and the blackbird
Charm us with their song;
When the lark in early morning
Taks his aireal flight;
An’ the humming bat, an’ buzzard,
Frolic in the night.
O! welcome, lovely summer,
With her rainbow’s lovely form;
Her thunder an’ her leetnin,
An’ her grandeur in the storm:
With her sunshine and her shower,
And her wurlin of the dust;
An the maiden with her flagon,
To slack the mower’s thirst.
O! welcome, lovely summer,
When the woods wi music ring,
And the bees so hevvy laden,
To their hives their treasures bring:
When we seek some shady bower,
Or some lovely little dell,
Or bivock in the sunshine,
Besides some cooling well.
O! welcome, lovely summer,
With her roses in full bloom;
When the cowslaps an’ the lalack
Deck the cottage home;
When the cherry an’ the berry,
Gives a grandeur to the charm;
And the clover and the haycock
Scent the little farm.
O! welcome, lovely summer,
With the partridge on the wing;
When tewit an the moorgame,
Up fra the heather spring,
From the crowber an the billber,
An the bracken an the ween;
As from the noisey tadpole,
We hear the crackin din.
O! welcome, lovely summer.