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SENATOR BUCKMASTER HAMILTON stood at the front window of his ranch house, stewing. He’d been either in Washington or on the road off and on since January with the presidential campaign, surrounded by staff, volunteers, donors and reporters with cameras in his face. When he’d finally escaped and come home to the ranch, he’d hoped for a little privacy.

But once the news of his first wife’s miraculous return from the dead had hit the local newspaper, the story had gone viral. Reporters had begun calling the house and then showing up on the ranch with cameras and news vans.

He’d thought it would have died down after almost four months. But if anything, with his campaign going well, the media seemed even more bloodthirsty for dirt on his family—let alone photographs of Sarah. Everyone wanted to know where she’d been and if her alleged memory loss was real.

No one wanted to know more than he did. His “dead” wife’s return had turned his life upside down since he’d remarried fifteen years ago. He was just thankful that of his six daughters, five of them were away from the ranch and doing their best to keep out of the limelight.

“You really should eat some breakfast,” Angelina Broadwater Hamilton said as she came into the living room with two cups of coffee. His wife handed one to him and sat down with hers.

Sarah’s return had brought out the worst in Angelina. But everything else that had gone on didn’t seem to bother her in the least. It amazed him how she could apparently push all the unpleasantness of her brother’s arrest and suicide away and not give it another thought. He wondered if it was an act. The same way she pretended nothing had changed in their marriage since Sarah had come back.

Angelina hadn’t mentioned her brother’s name since his arrest and suicide. Nor had she seemed to mourn his death, shedding only a few photo-op tears at his funeral. Lane Broadwater had been Buckmaster’s campaign manager when he’d run for the Senate. When Lane was arrested for killing the man who’d been blackmailing Angelina for years, all Angelina had said was—“There’s more to the story than you know.”

There always was with Angelina. Buckmaster had married her after spending seven years mourning his first wife’s death. Sarah’s car had gone into the Yellowstone River one winter night twenty-two years ago, her body never found.

He’d married Angelina for her name and her society upbringing to help him with his political career. She and her brother had been a godsend in so many ways. Not only had they helped him win the Senate race, but also they’d put him in a position where the presidency was his if he wanted it.

And he wanted it.

Or at least, he had until his first wife had come back from the dead.

Sarah swore that she didn’t remember anything about the past twenty-two years or her attempted suicide before she’d disappeared. Her last memory, according to her, was giving birth to the twins. Harper and Cassidy were now both recent college graduates.

Sarah’s untimely return—right after he had thrown his hat in the presidential ring—had changed everything, especially between him and Angelina. For months they’d argued about him staying in the running for president. It had been his daughters who had talked him into continuing.

He’d thought for sure that Sarah’s return and the story of her suicide attempt would have ruined any chances he had to get elected. But in a surprising turn of events, just the opposite had happened. The voting public were sympathetic to his dilemma. Even the press had cut him some slack.

Angelina took a sip of her coffee, studying him over the rim of her cup. “I suppose you’re going to see Sarah now that we’re back.”

“I’m not going anywhere right now,” he said. “And I don’t want to argue.”

“It would just be nice if you would tell me when you were going to see her,” Angelina said.

Nice? Who was she kidding? She didn’t understand that even if Sarah was no longer legally his wife, he still felt responsible for her. She was the mother of his six daughters.

He stepped to the window. Several news vans and one older-model black pickup were parked out by the gate. Every time he left the house, they followed him. The cowboy in the older-model black truck had tailed him several times when he’d gone to meet Sarah, but he’d managed to lose the guy.

“I assume Sarah is still hiding out from the press?” Angelina asked.

“They are determined to find out why she came back now, where she’s been and what happens next.”

Angelina raised a brow as if those were questions she wanted answered, as well. “Why don’t you leak it to the press where she is and get it over with?”

“Because I don’t know where she is,” he snapped, and saw her satisfied look.

It galled him that Sarah was staying with the rancher who’d found her the day she’d reappeared in nearby Beartooth. Russell Murdock had been driving along one of the narrow dirt roads just past the cemetery in the middle of nowhere when Sarah had apparently stepped out of the trees. She’d been scraped up and disoriented with no idea how she’d gotten there or where she’d been.

At least, that was her story. Angelina didn’t buy it for a minute. She argued that Sarah was faking it and had only returned to ruin his chances of becoming president. He didn’t know what he believed. Sarah had been the love of his life. He’d had six beautiful daughters with her. It had almost killed him when he thought she’d taken her life that night in the river. Then she’d come back from the dead, proving that she could break his heart all over again.

“I’m sure that once they find out where Sarah is staying, they will talk to her,” Angelina said. “Maybe she’ll start saying something that makes sense.” She didn’t sound the least bit sympathetic. She didn’t seem to understand that Sarah’s return had made him question everything about his life, maybe especially his marriage to Angelina and his run for president.

For him, a whole lot of things had changed. What was strange was that he’d sensed it coming. Worse, the darkness he’d felt on the horizon hadn’t dissipated with Sarah’s return from the grave. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something even darker loomed over them all.

“Now more than ever, we need a show of solidarity,” he said, not for the first time. Angelina’s jealousy had brought out a nasty side of her personality that he’d never known existed.

“Where does Sarah fit in all that harmony?” she asked snidely.

He wished he knew.

As he started to close the drapes so he didn’t have to see the reporters hanging around out by the gate, he noticed a pickup pulling a horse trailer up the road toward the house. He had hired armed guards at the gate to keep the reporters out, but someone was now roaring toward the house in a truck he didn’t recognize.

“Now what?” he asked under his breath.

* * *

JACE HAD JUST knocked at the door when another truck drove up from the direction of the corrals. As Senator Buckmaster Hamilton himself opened the door, he was looking past Jace’s shoulder. Jace glanced back to see Cooper Barnett climb out of his truck and walk toward them.

Jace turned back around. “I’m Jace Calder,” he said, holding out his hand as the senator’s gaze shifted to him.

The senator frowned but shook his hand. “I know who you are. I’m just wondering what’s got you on my doorstep so early in the morning.”

“I’m here about your daughter Bo.”

Buckmaster looked to Cooper. “Tell me you aren’t here about my daughter Olivia.”

Cooper laughed. “My pregnant bride is just fine, thanks.”

The senator let out an exaggerated breath and turned his attention back to Jace. “What’s this about—” But before he could finish, a tall, elegant blonde woman appeared at his side. Jace recognized Angelina Broadwater Hamilton, the senator’s second wife. The rumors about her being kicked out of the house to make way for Buckmaster’s first wife weren’t true, it seemed.

She put a hand on Buckmaster’s arm. “It’s the auditor calling from the foundation office. He’s looking for Bo. She didn’t show up for work today, and there seems to be a problem.”

“That’s why I’m here,” Jace said.

“Me, too,” Cooper said, sounding surprised.

“Come in, then,” Buckmaster said, waving both men inside. Once he’d closed the big door behind them, he asked, “Now what’s this about Bo?”

“I was just talking to one of the wranglers,” Cooper said, jumping in ahead of Jace. “Bo apparently left Saturday afternoon on horseback, saying she’d be back this morning, but she hasn’t returned.”

“That’s what I heard, as well,” Jace said, taking the opening. “I need to know where she might have gone.”

Both Buckmaster and Cooper looked to him. “You sound as if you’re planning to go after her,” the senator said.

“I am.”

“Why would you do that? I didn’t think you two were seeing each other?” Cooper asked like the protective brother-in-law he was.

“We’re not,” Jace said.

“Wait a minute,” the senator said. “You’re the one who stood her up for the senior prom. I’ll never forget it. My baby cried for weeks.”

Jace nodded. “That would be me.”

“But you’ve dated Bo more recently than senior prom,” Buckmaster was saying.

“Five years ago,” he said. “But that doesn’t have anything to do with this. I have my reasons for wanting to see Bo come back. My sister works at the foundation.”

“Why wouldn’t Bo come back?” the senator demanded.

Behind him, Angelina made a disparaging sound. “Because there’s money missing from the foundation along with your daughter.” She looked at Jace. “You said your sister works down there?”

He smiled, seeing that she was clearly judgmental of the “kind of people” Bo had hired to work at the foundation. “My sister doesn’t have access to any of the money, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He turned to the senator again. “The auditor is down at the foundation office, trying to sort it out. Bo needs to be there. I thought you might have some idea where she might have gone in the mountains. I thought I’d go find her.”

The senator looked to his son-in-law. Cooper shrugged.

“Cooper, you were told she planned to be back today?” her father said. “She probably changed her mind or went too far, not realizing how long it would take her to get back. If she had an appointment today with an auditor, I’m sure she’s on her way as we speak.”

“Or she’s hiding up there and doesn’t want to be found,” Angelina quipped from the couch. “If she took that money, she could be miles from here by now.” She groaned. “It’s always something with your girls, isn’t it?”

“I highly doubt Bo has taken off with any foundation money,” the senator said and shot his wife a disgruntled look. “Every minor problem isn’t a major scandal,” he said and sighed, clearly irritated with his wife.

When he and Bo had dated, she’d told him that her stepmother was always quick to blame her and her sisters no matter the situation. As far as Jace could tell, there was no love lost on either side.

“Maybe we should call the sheriff,” Cooper said.

Angelina let out a cry. “That’s all we need—more negative publicity. It will be bad enough when this gets out. But if search and rescue is called in and the sheriff has to go up there... For all we know, Bo could be meeting someone in those mountains.”

Jace hadn’t considered she might have an accomplice. “That’s why I’m the best person to go after her.”

“How do you figure that?” Cooper demanded, giving him a hard look.

“She already doesn’t like me, and the feeling is mutual. Maybe you’re right and she’s hightailing it home as we speak,” Jace said. “But whatever’s going on with her, I’m going to find her and make sure she gets back.”

“You sound pretty confident of that,” the senator said, sounding almost amused.

“I know these mountains, and I’m not a bad tracker. I’ll find her. But that’s big country. My search would go faster if I have some idea where she was headed when she left.”

“There’s a trail to the west of the ranch that connects with the Sweet Grass Creek trail,” her father said.

Jace rubbed a hand over his jaw. “That trail forks not far up.”

“She usually goes to the first camping spot before the fork,” the senator said. “It’s only a couple of hours back in. I’m sure she wouldn’t go any farther than that. It’s along Loco Creek.”

“I know that spot,” Jace said.

Cooper looked to his father-in-law. “You want me to get some men together and go search for her? That makes more sense than sending—”

Buckmaster shook his head and turned to Jace. “I remember your father. The two of you were volunteers on a search years ago. I was impressed with both of you. I’m putting my money on you finding her if she doesn’t turn up on her own. I’ll give you ’til sundown.”

“Make it twenty-four hours. There’s a storm coming so I plan to be back before it hits. If we’re both not back by then, send in the cavalry,” he said and with a tip of his hat, headed for the door.

Behind him, he heard Cooper say, “Sending him could be a mistake.”

“The cowboy’s mistake,” Buckmaster said. “I know my daughter. She’s on her way back, and she isn’t going to like that young man tracking her down. Jace Calder is the one she almost married.”

* * *

SARAH HAMILTON LEANED into the porch railing of the old cabin and looked out at the Sweet Grass Valley. It stretched to the horizon, a gleaming array of summer colors. Closer a breeze stirred the pines, the sun making the boughs glisten.

Despite the beauty, this place made her anxious. She didn’t like the quiet or the isolation or the fact that she’d been forced to hide out here for her own safety.

At the sound of a vehicle, she moved closer to the railing so she could see the narrow dirt road that wound up through the trees. She held her breath, afraid someone had found her—and not a reporter.

The past twenty-two years were a dark hole that haunted her. While she couldn’t remember anything from those years, she had vague, disturbing flashes of the past that came without warning at all hours of the day and night. While they made no sense, their dark ominous feel scared her. She was afraid to find out who she’d been the past twenty-two years. Or why she’d tried to kill herself all those years ago.

As Russell Murdock’s pickup came into view, she leaned against the railing, weak with relief. He had been her sanctuary from the storm since her return. Russell, a soft-spoken sixtysomething rancher with a heart as big as Montana, had saved her when he’d found her in an isolated spot outside Beartooth. She been confused, not sure how she’d gotten there or where she’d been.

Her last memory was of giving birth to twin daughters. Was it really possible that they had both now graduated from college? She’d hoped they would come home for the summer so she could spend some time with them, but both had taken off to Europe to allegedly continue their studies abroad.

Their prolonged absence was Buck’s doing. She hadn’t even gotten to see them since she’d been back. While she’d met with her other four daughters, Cassidy and Harper hadn’t been allowed to return home.

“If they come back here, they will be bombarded by the media asking if they’ve seen their mother, where she’s been, why she’s back, what she said, what she looks like, and on and on,” Buckmaster had said irritably.

She couldn’t argue with his logic. But she ached to see her twins all grown up. She remembered the sweet identical babies she’d given birth to and felt sick inside to think that they wouldn’t even remember her. It was bad enough that her other four children barely remembered her.

Russell, understanding how upset she’d been about not seeing Harper and Cassidy, had offered to take her to visit them in Europe. But she’d declined. All she needed was to get the media circus going again by leading the press right to her twins. It had died down somewhat, even though she knew reporters were still looking for her. If Russell hadn’t hidden her away in this cabin...

“The cabin is part of some land that my former employer W. T. Grant owned,” he’d told her when it became clear that she would have to hide out for a while from the press. “It’s my daughter’s now, but no one uses the place. No one will think to look for you there.”

“The media frenzy isn’t going to die down,” she’d told him. “Not as long as Buck is still running for president. Maybe it would be better if I just disappeared again.”

“Where would you go? No, you need to stay here,” Russell had said with a decisive shake of his head. “The cabin will be safe, and I’ll come see you every chance I get. Don’t worry about me being followed.” He’d smiled, making him even more handsome. “I know how to lose them on these back roads.”

She watched him drive up and park out front. As he got out of his truck, he stopped to meet her eyes. His expression instantly softened as if he knew what she’d been going through. He sensed things about her, things that would have turned another man away and yet if anything made him even more protective.

Her heart went out to him, but she didn’t move. Didn’t dare. She couldn’t let him think she was falling in love with him. She’d given her heart away at twenty-four to Buckmaster Hamilton, and it was still his. Maybe would always be his.

Unless there’d been another man in her life during the past twenty-two years that she couldn’t remember. That thought made her hug herself against the chill that raced up her spine. Had there been a man? She shuddered to think what kind of man he would have been, given her flashes of memory.

“I brought you strawberries,” Russell called, making her smile as he reached into the back of the truck and brought out a cooler. “I wanted to bring ice cream, but I knew it would melt before I got here.”

He started toward her. She waited, anxious to know if he’d heard from Buck, but not wanting it to be the first thing out of her mouth.

Russell didn’t ask how she’d been doing, because he already knew, as she led him into the small but modern cabin.

She felt guilty for involving him in her messy life. He’d been so kind. “I’m so sorry I—”

“Stop,” he said, putting down the cooler and stepping to her. His big hands cupping her shoulders felt warm, reassuring. “I couldn’t be happier helping you. Wasn’t it obvious that I was at loose ends when you came into my life? I desperately needed a diversion.”

Was that what she was? She feared he wanted more than that from her and needed to warn him what a mistake that would be. It wasn’t just that she was still in love with Buck. No, her reasons, along with her fears, ran much deeper.

“Ready for your doctor’s appointment?” he asked.

He hoped the neurologist would be able to determine what had caused her memory loss. She feared he might be right. “What if he tells me...”

“We’ll face whatever he tells you together,” Russell said quickly and reached for her hand.

“Still, I’m afraid that I will bring something dangerous into your—”

“I can handle whatever you bring.” His gaze locked with hers. “I will protect you no matter what. Believe that.”

She could see that he meant every word. Russell would protect her to his dying breath, and that scared her even more. She hated that she’d put him in that position. Like her, he sensed that something scary from her past would ultimately find its way to Beartooth. His fear for her safety made her all the more frightened that it was only a matter of time before her past found her.

* * *

JACE HAD HOPED Buckmaster Hamilton was right and Bo was headed back to the ranch. But by the time he’d saddled up that afternoon, leaving his pickup and horse trailer at the Hamilton Ranch, there was still no sign of Bo. Even as he rode through the foothills and into the tall pines, winding his way up into the formidable Crazy Mountains, he still hoped to run across her.

It didn’t take him long to pick up her tracks. The trail into the mountains was on Hamilton Ranch property, so no one else had ridden this way recently.

He knew there could be a good excuse why she hadn’t shown up. She could have gotten injured. Or her horse could have. Either would have kept her in the mountains longer than she’d planned. But the fact that she’d gone camping knowing that she had a meeting with the auditor first thing Monday morning made him suspicious that neither of those was the case.

Bo Hamilton grew up rich and insulated. This was probably the first real adversity she’d ever had in her life—and her way of handling it had been to run. That didn’t surprise him at all given their past. As he rode, he became more angry with her. How could she leave her employees to face the mess at the foundation? It would be all he could do not to turn her over his knee when he found her. Instead he would take her back to face the consequences.

He hated to think what this might do to his sister. Em had a problem with trusting the wrong people. Hadn’t he feared that Bo Hamilton would let her down, just as she had him? Worse, when he’d heard about the work Bo had been doing at the foundation, he’d wanted to believe she might really have changed, grown up, no longer acted on impulse. But if she’d ridden up into the mountains to hide... He’d wring her neck when he found her. And he would find her.

“Are you crazy?” his best friend Brody McTavish had exclaimed a few hours earlier when Jace visited to tell him where he was going. Brody had shoved back his Western straw hat to gaze at him with amused blue eyes. “You’re doing this for your sister?” He’d laughed good-naturedly and with a shake of his head had turned back to mucking out his barn.

“This has nothing to do with Bo Hamilton other than the fact that I have to find her and make this right.”

“Make this right? Or rewrite the past? Jace—” Brody turned to look at him, his face suddenly serious. “What if she took the money? What if she rode up into those mountains to meet someone, and they are miles from here by now?”

“There is only one way to find out. Would you mind watering and feeding my animals while I’m away? I should be back by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.”

“You know you can count on me,” Brody had said. “But be careful. That family seems to attract trouble like bald tires pick up nails.”

Jace had chuckled and given his friend a slap on the back. “Thanks for your help and your advice.”

“Went in one ear and out the other, didn’t it?” Brody sighed. “You just can’t seem to get over her, can you? But I’m not going to tell you this is a fool’s errand if there ever was one. Just don’t make me have to come looking for you, too. There’s a storm coming and we both know what that means in the Crazies.”

Now, as Jace rode higher up into the mountains following the trail Bo Hamilton had left behind, he breathed in the fresh smell of the pine trees and told himself he knew what he was doing. It was the same thing he’d been doing since his parents had died, leaving a teenager with an already wild and out-of-control kid sister to raise. He was trying to save Emily.

A breeze groaned high in the treetops. Nearby he could hear the rush of water in a small creek. He tried to concentrate on the wildness of the country, the beauty and the incredible views. He loved riding into the Crazies, loved the cool air under the heavy pine boughs, the quiet broken only by the sounds of nature, the isolation. The mountains released a calm in him that he could find in no other place.

That had been something he and Bo shared.

He shoved that thought away, anxious to hear the sound of another horse. Another person. Today he was the hunter. He wondered how Bo Hamilton would react when she realized she was his prey.

Mostly he hoped to hell he wasn’t making a huge mistake, since he really had no idea what he was going to find up here.

Lone Rider

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