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“What kind of man are you?”

He shifted those blue eyes to her, welding her to the spot. “The kind who knows a lost cause when he sees one.”

“We’ve already had this argument. I’m not leaving, and I’m guessing your father isn’t giving up. He still wants me to do the book.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “And unless I’m wrong, which I don’t believe I am, he asked you to help me.”

He chuckled as he shook his head again. “All you’re doing is making things worse for everyone, including yourself.”

“Don’t you want to know the kind of woman I am?” When he said nothing, she continued, “I’m like your father. When I start something I finish it.”

Cull seemed to consider that before he turned toward her, his lips quirking into a grin as his eyes blazed with challenge. “Is that right?”

Dark Horse

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