Читать книгу Shotgun Bride - B.J. Daniels - Страница 2


Maddie shivered, realising they were trapped.

“He’s after me. He knows I went into the woods. He knows I saw.”

Shane nodded and pulled her into his arms again.

“The sheriff will find him.”

Her limbs trembled. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this weak and exhausted or this relieved to see anyone. She leaned into him, feeling his warmth and his strength.

Shane was here to rescue her. That’s what a true lawman did.

All he’d ever wanted was to protect her. But she’d been so certain she could take care of herself – that she had no other choice. Now her eyes burned with tears and it took all of her strength not to cry.

But before she could take another breath, she heard the roar of an engine and a bullet whizzed through the air next to them…

Shotgun Bride

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