Читать книгу Unforgiven - B.J. Daniels, B.J. Daniels - Страница 9



RYLAN SWORE AS HE SAW Destry standing at the edge of the road. Had he really thought he could come storming out to the ranch and not run into her? One look at her and he’d known he wasn’t ready for this.

Destry looked the same and yet completely grown up. Her hair was longer, that same rich russet color that reminded him of fall in Montana. It was plaited down her slim back except for a few strands that the wind lifted around her face under the shade of her straw hat. She wore a yellow-checked Western shirt and jeans, both accenting her more mature, rounded figure.

Her eyes were still that faded blue that often matched Montana’s big sky. As he looked into them, he felt that old spark. It burned into him, hotter than a Montana summer day.

One look at her and he realized all the running he’d done the past eleven years had been for nothing. He couldn’t escape the way he felt about this woman any more than he could forgive her brother for what he knew he’d done.

His sister’s murder was like a line drawn in the dirt. Neither of them could step over it. Destry was convinced her brother was innocent of Ginny’s murder. Rylan would never believe that. Nothing had changed.

“Destry,” he said through his open window. The word felt alien on his lips, and he realized how long it had been since he’d uttered it aloud. It brought with it an ache that made him grit his teeth.

* * *

DESTRY HAD WATCHED FROZEN to the spot as the pickup came to a dust-boiling stop next to her. The early evening light ricocheted off the windshield, blinding her for a moment before the driver’s side window came down.

The shock of coming face-to-face with Rylan after all these years sent a tremor through her. She stared into those familiar brown eyes, seeing the Rylan West she’d fallen in love with as a girl. For a moment, lost in his gaze, she had the overpowering feeling that if he would just get out of that pickup and take her in his arms they could find their way back to each other.

“Destry?” The sound of her name on his lips made her heart pound with the familiarity of it.

She found her voice. “I wondered when I’d see you. I should have known what it would take. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

He shoved back his Stetson. “I reckon not. I need to see your brother.”

She shook her head. Before he’d left town, she’d tried to convince Rylan that her brother couldn’t have killed Ginny. “If you just knew him the way I do...”

But his mind had been made up. Just as it was today. She could see it in the clenched muscles of his strong jaw, in the set of his broad shoulders. He’d looked the same way the day of his sister’s funeral when he’d gone after Carson, the two of them getting into a fistfight at the cemetery until Rylan’s father had broken it up.

“I was hoping...” She couldn’t even bear to say the words, her hopes like daggers through her heart. She’d dreamed about the day she would see Rylan again. Her dream crumbled like the dried leaves on the cottonwoods nearby, turning to dust in the wind.

The man she’d known was gone. It was high time she let go of the past. Let go of Rylan West.

* * *

RYLAN NEARLY BUCKLED under the pain he saw in her eyes. “Don’t make this any harder than it already is.”

She sighed, cloaking the hurt with a smile, a smile with an edge to it. Anger fired her blue eyes. It burned hot as a flame. She knew what he planned to do.

For weeks after Ginny’s murder, he’d tried to find proof that would put Carson Grant behind bars. What he kept running into was the same thing that had kept Carson free all these years—a lack of evidence.

“I have to get my sister justice since the law isn’t going to. As Ginny’s oldest brother, I owe her that.”

“And you think this is the way?” she said, sounding sad and disappointed in him.

“Stay out of this, please.”

“Carson’s my brother.”

“And Ginny was my sister. At least you still have your brother.”

“Not if you have your way.”

He had no intention of killing Carson—just getting the truth out of him, one way or the other. He snatched off his hat and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. Now that he and Carson were both back, Rylan intended to see his sister’s murderer behind bars. He said as much to Destry.

“He didn’t do it, Rylan,” she said. “He never left the ranch that night.”

“According to his alibi. You. But we both know that was a lie.” He fought back the image of her naked in his arms the night they’d made love for the first time at the old abandoned ski lodge high on the mountain. Little did they know what was happening in the valley below them.

Her hands went to her hips, her gaze blazing. “Carson didn’t know I’d left the ranch to meet you. It was an honest mistake since you and I were both sneaking around back then.”

“I notice that even you didn’t bring up Carson’s other alibi.”

“What would be the point? My brother could have a half dozen alibis and you still wouldn’t believe him.”

Rylan swore because she was right. “You have to admit his best friend isn’t the most reliable alibi, not to mention that Jack French would say the moon was made of cheese if your brother asked him to. Destry, when are you going to stop covering for your brother and see him for what he really is?”

She took a step toward the pickup, her fists balled at her sides. “When are you going to realize that you might be wrong?”

Rylan looked away, his jaw tensing in frustration. “This isn’t getting us anywhere.” He’d never believe Carson wasn’t Ginny’s killer, and Destry would defend her brother until hell froze over. “We both know why your brother is back in town. The county attorney threatened to bring Carson back in handcuffs if he didn’t return for questioning about the new evidence.”

“New evidence? Is that true?”

He saw her surprise. “Your father didn’t tell you? I thought you would have heard.” But then again, Destry hardly ever left the ranch, from what he’d heard.

“I just assumed WT forced Carson to come back,” she said.

Rylan shook his head. “A gold hair clip with my sister’s name on it was found under the stage at the Royale. We’re pretty sure Ginny was wearing it the last time we saw her.”

“So she was at the old theater that night?”

“The sheriff thinks she might have met someone there, probably her killer, then was taken by car to where her body was left.” He looked away, fighting the roiling emotions boiling inside him.

“Maybe now the real killer will be found,” Destry said.

He hated the hopefulness he heard in her voice. She would be devastated when the truth came out.

“Destry,” he said, as kindly as he could, “the county attorney wouldn’t have forced your brother to come back here unless the evidence pointed to him.”

Her blue eyes narrowed to slits. “If you’re so sure this so-called new evidence will prove my brother guilty, then why are you out here ready to take the law into your own hands?”

“Because the law in this county is Sheriff Frank Curry. Everyone knows that he does whatever your father tells him to.”

Destry shook her head angrily. “Or because you know a hair clip isn’t going to prove that my brother had anything to do with her death.”

“Not unless someone can place your brother in the old theater that night.”

“Don’t you think if my brother had been there, someone would have mentioned it by now?” she demanded.

She had always been strong and determined. It was one of the reasons he’d loved her more than life. If his sister hadn’t been murdered that night, he didn’t doubt they’d be married now, probably have a couple of kids.

Did Destry ever think about what might have been? She’d made a life for herself on the W Bar G. He’d heard how she had taken over after her father’s plane crash. She was born to ranch, that’s what people said. They also said how lucky WT was to have such a daughter. Everyone liked Destry and with good reason.

Carson, though, was another story.

“I warned your brother that if I ever saw him again... Destry, I can’t live with myself unless I do something. Can’t you understand that?” He hated the pleading he heard in his voice. It upset him that it mattered what she thought of him, even after all these years.

Her gaze softened. “I can understand. But not this way. Find out who your sister was meeting in town that night.”

He flinched at the mental picture of the coroner and EMTs bringing his sister’s body out of the shallow ditch beside the road a few miles outside of town. The killer had thrown her into the ditch, leaving her for dead, leaving her to die alone beside the road.

“She ran into your brother,” he snapped.

She made an impatient sound. “How can you be so sure that Ginny wasn’t seeing someone else that she kept not only from Carson, but also from your parents and even from you?” she demanded.

He swore under his breath as he slapped his hat back on to his head. “Some mystery man? That’s just some story your brother cooked up to shift suspicion onto someone else. This isn’t getting us anywhere. It’s the same old argument. It’s why I left eleven years ago. Your brother killed her.”

“Are you willing to stake everything on it? If so, then there is nothing more I can say, is there?” She turned toward her truck.

“What if you’re the one who’s wrong, Destry?” he called after her. “Ginny said your brother had been following her. How can you be so sure your brother didn’t leave the ranch that night? It wouldn’t be the first time he lied. Or the first time he hurt Ginny, would it?”

* * *

CARSON KNEW BETTER THAN to try to reason with his father, but he had to give it a shot. As he looked down the table, he wondered if WT believed he’d killed Ginny West. Or if it mattered to him. Apparently being Waylon Thomas Grant’s male heir trumped everything—even murder.

“Tomorrow morning, I’ll show you the new grazing land I’ve picked up since you’ve been gone,” WT was saying.

“Aren’t you worried about this new evidence that’s turned up?”

WT scoffed. “The state attorney general has been putting pressure on local law enforcement to clear up their cold cases. The sheriff is just going through the motions. I doubt there’s any new evidence. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“I’d feel a whole lot better if I knew what it was.”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll get you the best lawyer money can buy.” He looked up from his meal. “But it won’t come to that. You never left the ranch that night. Stick to that story. Jack will back you up, right?”

Carson said nothing for a moment, shocked by his father’s cavalier response. “You can’t really think I could get a fair trial in this county.” When WT didn’t respond, he tried again, “With enough money, I could leave the country. There are still foreign countries that the U.S. can’t extradite from.”

WT looked up at him and frowned. “I built this ranch for my son to take over. So I’m certainly not paying to send him out of the country.”

“I can’t very well take over the ranch if I’m on death row,” Carson snapped.

“You’re not going to prison. If the sheriff had anything on you, I’d know.”

Carson shook his head in disbelief. “Frank Curry might owe you his life, but not even his gratitude is going to save me if this new evidence makes me look guilty.”

WT let out an exasperated sigh. “Stop worrying. No one is fool enough to cross me. Not even the damned state’s attorney general.”

“If you’re so powerful, why did you insist on me leaving eleven years ago? Why didn’t you let me stay and fight the allegations? If that’s all you thought they were?”

WT shook his head and angrily shoved away his plate.

For a few minutes, the only sound in the huge dining room was the click of Cherry’s silverware as she kept eating.

Carson wished he could walk away right now and not look back. But that was no longer an option. He would need a lot of money to leave the country. If WT wouldn’t pony it up, then he needed the ranch and the money he could get for it. He thought of his sister. He had to convince WT to give him the money so he could disappear.

“Dad?” The word came at a cost after refusing to call WT that for so many years. “Dad?”

His father turned on the only other person in the room. “Cherry. That your real name? It sounds like a stage name.”

Carson swore under his breath as he watched WT take off the gloves. WT would fight as dirty as he had to get what he wanted.

His father threw him a challenging look. But he was no longer that scared kid who’d been sneaked out of Beartooth in the cover of darkness. Ginny’s murder and a target on his back had changed him. Nor did he need to come to Cherry’s defense. She could take care of herself.

Cherry slowly licked her painted lips and turned her full attention to WT. She’d chosen a hot-pink low-cut top that barely covered her nipples and white capris that cupped her toned bottom. Her dyed blond hair was piled haphazardly on top of her head with stray tendrils curling down around her face. The fake eyelashes gave her a sleepy, half-soused look, but then again, it could have been the wine she’d consumed with abandon since they’d sat down to supper.

“I’m a dancer,” she said proudly, daring him to dispute it.

“A dancer?” WT repeated and added, “And I’m a high flier on the trapeze.”

Cherry smiled. “Carson told me that his great grandfather used to be in the circus but I didn’t know you—”

“He’s making fun, Cherry,” Carson said dryly.

She narrowed her eyes at WT. “Making fun of me?”

“No,” WT said. “My son. And by the way, my grandfather rode in a Wild West Show. Not a circus.”

Carson laughed and shot a wink to his fiancée.

At the head of the table, WT bellowed for Margaret to serve dessert.


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