Читать книгу Red Rover Red Rover - Bob Hicok - Страница 17


Yes this again

How goes prosecuting Nazis? The OGs,

not the new ones. I can ask a friend that

of his daughter. You probably can’t

so I’ll ask for you, too. It’s a great world

that offers these little comforts

for its mistakes, that takes a degree from Harvard

and turns it into remembering lives

only photos1 recall, not their details

but their worth. He’s proud of her

and I’m proud of us. We could say, So what? And do

about so much. But not this: we agree genocide

needs to be snuffed out. Mostly.

Though studies show kids don’t know

what Auschwitz is, was. That flies

are still easily separated from their wings.

That we are us. No amount of law or dreaming

changes that. Maybe some amount of love.

1. Grainy, fading, black & white: memory trying to forget itself.

Red Rover Red Rover

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