Читать книгу Songs for a Mockingbird - Bonnie Compton Hanson - Страница 3
Without the encouragement of my dear husband Don, and my family, Songs would not have been possible. Also, I especially appreciate the help and encouragement of my critique group sisters: Char Derby, Pat Cena Evans, Marilyn Jaskulke, Karen Kosman, Janet Lynn Mitchell, Joanne D. Schulte, Beverly Bush Smith, and Sheri Torelli. Also for John DeSimone, Jeanne Pallos, Peg Matthews-Rose, and all the rest of the Orange County Christian Writers Fellowship board and members. Plus an extra round of applause to my helpful Iowan author friend, Mary J. Davis, and to Stacie Craig of Starik Publishing, with a real love for both writing and Texas.
This book is dedicated to my father,
who loved the Lord,
the wonder of words,
and a rousing good story.
It is also dedicated to all lovers of page-turning fiction,
to all seekers of God’s way,
to those who have found comfort and healing in His love and
His people,
and to those still longing to do so.
May this book help you grow closer to Him.