Читать книгу The Sergeant's Baby - Bonnie Gardner - Страница 2


“ I think I’ll have a filet mignon. And a really, really big baked potato with all the trimmings,” Ally said.

“ Only a filet mignon?” Danny asked. “I thought you were hungry enough to eat a horse.”

Ally made a shocked face. “I could never eat Black Beauty.”

Danny had to laugh. “I was speaking figuratively, and you know it. Of course, you’re making up for it with the loaded potato.”

The dining room was crowded and Ally lowered her voice, looking at him conspiratorially. “Humor me. I’m pregnant. I get strange cravings, and I can’t tell from one day to the next what they will be for.”

Danny just smiled and signaled for the waiter. He knew all about cravings. In his case, though, they were not for food.

The Sergeant's Baby

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