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‘In so moche that in my dayes happened that certayn marchauntes were in a shippe in tamyse, for to have scyled over the sea into zelande, and for lack of wynde, thei taryed atte forlond, and wente to lande for to refreshe them. And one of theym named Sheffelde, a mercer, came in-to an hows and axed for mete, and specyally he axed after egges. And the goode wyf answerede that she could speke no frenshe. And the marchaunt was angry for he also coude speke no frenshe, but wolde have hadde egges, and she undcrstode hym not. And thenne at laste a nother sayd that he wold have eyren. Then the good wyf sayd that she understood him wel. Loo, what sholde a man in thyse days now wryte, egges or eyren. Certaynly it is harde to playse every man be cause of dyvcrsite & chaunge in langage.’


‘The greatest literary masterpiece is no more than an alphabet in disorder.’


Martyrology Book 5

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