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The Mover’s Son


In the midst of finals during my freshman year of college, I got a phone call from my parents informing me that they were moving back to my native California in a few weeks, and that they would need my help before I set out for a summer in Europe. I hastily agreed to do whatever they needed and got off the phone as quickly as possible since I was pressed for time, and stressed about an imminent linguistics paper deadline.

I didn’t give the move too much thought since I still had all my finals to take, and my parents would only need my help unpacking everything in the new house in California. I would fly straight there after the school year ended, spend a couple weeks helping get the house in order, and then take off for an internship in Paris. I could hardly wait to get to Europe; so even through the drudgery of unpacking, at least I had that trip to look forward to after all the hassle of moving.

When the dust from finals and the subsequent year-end parties finally settled a couple weeks later, I packed for home and tried to overcome my raging hangover on the flight from the East Coast back to California. I may have been a young, fit eighteen-year-old, but I felt burned out and gross after all my studying and partying, so I was looking forward to a few weeks of good, hard, physical work to clear my mind.

My parents picked me up at the airport late that night and drove me to our new house by the beach. It was a huge, beautiful place, but completely barren except for a couple mattresses on the floor and some fast-food containers in the fridge. My parents explained we were still waiting for the moving trucks to show up, and that they were expected the next day. Then the work would begin.

I wished my folks good night, then fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, anticipating the heavy lifting to come.

Early the next morning, I was awoken by a huge truck pulling into the driveway. The movers had arrived. I watched from my upstairs bedroom window as my parents went out to talk to the driver, then pulled on some shorts and a tank top, and went downstairs myself.

I grabbed a cup of coffee, hoping that would perk me up, and went outside to survey the situation. What a view I got.

The moving truck was owned and operated by a father-son team. From what my mother said, I learned the father’s name was Matt. He was a handsome, grizzled guy in his mid-forties, with a mop of graying black hair. He looked tanned and tired, and was opening up the back of the truck for my parents to take a look. What really caught my attention, though, was Matt’s son. He was still standing by the truck’s cab, getting some equipment out of the front. He looked like he was barely out of high school (and I later found out that he had just turned eighteen and graduated a week earlier), with a young face, an olive complexion, a mop of thick black curls, golden brown eyes, and a sinewy body of long, toned muscles. His back was strong from lifting boxes all day, and his ass was as round as a globe, leading down to some of the most muscular legs I’d ever seen.

I walked up to him and extended my hand, asking his name. When he turned to look at me, he smiled shyly and took my hand, telling me his name was Ty.

“I’m Brad,” I told him, smiling back. “Nice to meet you. Let me know if you need any help.” Ty blushed and thanked me before turning back to his work. I saw his eyes shift back toward me one last time, though, and I took that as a good sign.

The rest of the day was a blur of bustle, activity, and heat. All I wanted to do was go to the beach and surf all day, but instead I was stuck lugging furniture into the new house and trying to find my boxes mixed in with everything else.

Every time I passed Ty, he looked sexier and sexier, as a healthy, ruddy glow spread all over his body, and the exertion of moving my belongings brought out a sheen of moisture on his skin. A couple drops of sweat even sprung up on his upper lip, and I had a barely resistible urge to kiss them away.

But I controlled myself and channeled my sexual frustration into lugging and hauling and lifting. Finally, it was time for lunch, and I was put in charge of a McDonald’s run. I got some cash from my folks and took everyone’s orders. I was amazed by the amount of food Ty and his father ordered, but then again, they did manual labor every day of their lives, so they could eat whatever they wanted.

I was about to take off in my mom’s convertible when Matt suggested Ty take a little break from the work and go with me to help. My heart leapt up into my throat, but I kept calm as I nonchalantly shrugged, “Sure.”

Ty looked anxiously from his father to me, then followed me out to the car. I could tell he was nervous, but I didn’t know why. I wasn’t just going to jump him! At least, not if I could help it…

As I shifted into gear, my arm brushed against his on the armrest. He started to move it, but then he left it where it was, so I left mine there, too, and we stayed like that—sweaty arms touching, but nothing else.

We drove in awkward silence until I turned on the radio and some oldies came on. I started humming along and saw Ty grin a little, so I started singing full voice, and that actually made him laugh before joining in. By the time we got to McDonald’s, we were having a good time, and by the time we got back to the house, we were friends.

Soon, I realized Ty was using all his breaks just to come find me and talk to me, even if it was just in furtive little sentences. It seemed like he was just trying to spend time with me. It also seemed like he was specifically searching for boxes labeled “Brad” so he could bring them to my room. I asked him about it, but all he did was shrug and say that the boxes had to get into the house, so he was just bringing them in. He was blushing as he said it, though, and a little smile played on his lips.

The tension was killing me. I wanted to fuck his brains out, especially after he got so hot that he took his shirt off and kept working shirtless. I could see all his muscles contracting and relaxing as he lifted box after box, getting slippery with sweat. His body was perfect, lean and muscular, just like I liked, with a sprinkling of hair around his nipples and belly button. I could tell he wanted me, too, since I kept noticing him looking at me when he thought I didn’t see him. Eventually, I took off my shirt, too, so he could see the goods.

I might have felt old and gouty from my recent scholarly cloistering and subsequent alcohol-fueled bender, but I was still just a sporty teenager, and my body looked amazing. I’d been playing intramural sports, getting to the gym, and biking around campus all year, and I was more toned than I’d ever been. No freshman fifteen for me. Instead, I’d put on a few pounds of muscle on my arms, shoulders, and legs, and had the start of a respectable six-pack tautening my stomach. Ty and I could have a really good time…if we ever got a moment alone together.

At the end of the first day, we’d made some progress, but the truck was still half full, so Ty and his father were going to come back the next day to finish the job. My parents sent me off to sign Matt’s time sheet, and I shook his hand. He got in the truck and honked the horn to call Ty, who was still in the house. Ty ran from the house but slowed when he saw me. He stared at the ground and mumbled a good-bye, and I put a grimy hand on his sweaty, sticky shoulder to squeeze it when I replied and told him I’d see him tomorrow. He looked up at me with an exhilarated grin, then hopped in the truck and the two of them were off.

Luck smiled on us the next day. Around noon, my parents had to rush out on a long errand for the house in another part of the city that would take them the rest of the afternoon, so they left me in charge. Ty’s father had to go out, too, since something had broken down in his truck’s engine and he needed to fix it so he and Ty could drive it away when we were done with the move. Ty and I were finally alone.

Nothing happened. At least, not for a while. We both became shy again, barely mumbling to each other as we passed one another. Both of us were nervous, not knowing what to do. We worked feverishly, carting box after box into the house, chipping away at the mountains of belongings my parents had brought with them.

As it got hotter and hotter, Ty retreated into the truck to rearrange some things for easier unloading. I went to the kitchen for a cold drink. I got two glasses of water and brought one of them out to the truck for Ty.

I climbed up into the truck and said, “Hey,” handing him one of the waters.

He said, “Thanks,” and instead of looking away, as he’d been doing, he looked straight in my eyes as he drank it. I smiled and lightly pushed past him, pretending to look for a certain box.

“I’m trying to find a box of my school books,” I told him. “Have you seen it?”

“Hmmm, I don’t think so,” he said, looking concerned.

We worked together, side by side, rearranging boxes and looking for my lost books. We got closer and closer in that cramped, dark space, deep in the truck, surrounded by dusty boxes lit only by the dim lights along the container’s roof. It was sweltering in there, with the sun beating down on the truck, and soon we were both covered in sweat and dust.

I was kneeling right next to Ty now, almost leaning against him, keeping close contact. He wasn’t moving away from me at all, and I knew that if I wanted something to happen, I’d have to act now. Fortune smiled again, though, because at just that moment, Ty lost his balance and fell right into me. I caught him as his chest whumped into mine, and we lay on the ground, him on top of me, our faces within inches of each other.

As I looked into his golden eyes, framed by sweaty curls plastered to his forehead, he stared at me with a mixture of lust, eagerness, and fear. I smiled, then suddenly pulled him closer into me and mashed my mouth onto his.

I’m usually a gentle kisser. I like to take my time and work my way from soft, tender kissing to harder, more impassioned making out, but we had no time to waste. Our sexual encounter had been baking in that summer heat for two days now, and it was ready to burn, so we went at each other with a ferocity I’d never experienced before.

Our tongues were lashing each other’s, delving into one another’s mouths as our lips collided again and again in a frenzied duet. I grabbed his back, feeling those long cords of muscle straining under the damp fabric of his T-shirt. I wrapped my sinewy legs around his waist, pulling him tighter and tighter to me.

I was clearly the more experienced hand at this, and I got his shirt off within seconds, then quickly followed it with my own. Our sweaty chests rubbed against one another, creating a sexual friction that made the boiling truck even hotter. Neither of us had much body hair to speak of, but I had little tufts of it around my nipples and in a happy trail that snaked from my belly button down to my pubes. Ty’s chest and belly were completely smooth, though I could feel the sweaty patches of hair in his armpits that were exuding a strong but somehow intoxicating body odor.

We flipped over so that we were both on our side on the floor, kissing each other, and I quickly busied my hands with unbuttoning his shorts and pulling them down. We weren’t even speaking, just intensely kissing and rubbing up against one another on the dirty floor of that moving truck.

When Ty’s pants were undone, and I had unzipped my own, I shimmied out of them and kicked them away. Then I broke off our kissing to pull his down, too, and threw them a short distance to lie next to my own. He leaned in to kiss me again, but I pulled back so that I could get a glimpse of the gorgeous body that had been twisting against my own. As I stared at him, I stroked his sweaty hair back with one hand and traced the lines of his pectoral muscles with the other.

Ty’s body was even better than I’d imagined. I’d already seen his bare torso, but being this close to it, touching it, was even more arousing than merely watching him. His nipples were tiny and dark, capping the curves of his developed chest. He had a hardcore six-pack that contracted and relaxed with each excited breath he took. His legs were so strong from all the squatting and lifting he did working with his dad, with hairy calves the size of ripe melons, and massive quads that looked like they could lift a car.

We were both teenage boys, and we had been waiting for this moment, so naturally we were both fully erect, but even so, his prodigious dick looked delicate between those mammoth, hairy legs. It was framed by a small tuft of the darkest pubic hairs, curling tightly just like the hairs on his head. If I’d had to guess, I would have said that it was about seven inches, but what really impressed me was its girth. In my excitement, I’d already grabbed it, and noticed I could barely wrap my hand around it, especially the throbbing round head. It had gnarly veins snaking all up and down it, and it was surging with blood from Ty’s quickened pulse.

I heaved my own hips over so that our cocks were touching, and I could see that my own more slender tool outstripped his by about a half inch. I was so turned on by the sensation of our two rubbery rods rubbing against one another as we frotted and made out furiously for another few minutes.

My cock was burning with the friction of rubbing against Ty’s and I did not know how much more time we would have before our parents got back, so I had to move things along. I shifted us so that I was on top of him, and I started to let my mouth wander along his body.

I started with his ears, licking at them, and shoving my tongue into them, making him shudder and grab me tighter. I kissed at his neck, then paused at one of his nipples, giving it a thorough working over with my tongue. Ty’s body tasted salty and minerally from sweat that had dried, but as we got worked up again and we both started sweating freshly, the taste became mellower. I wanted to lick his entire body, sopping up every last drop of it.

Ty was whimpering at my nipple work and grinding his hips upward into my body, so I slowly moved farther down his chest to his belly button, tasting the tangy perspiration in that delicious depression before reaching my destination, that inflamed cock.

He was as hard as anyone I’d ever been with, and I gripped his fleshy rod firmly while burying my nose in the glossy bush of his pubes. His hair smelled so spicy and manly, it was almost too intense, but it only turned me on even more. I shifted my attention to the helmet head of his glans. There was already a substantial buildup of precum leaking from the round hole in it, and I gently licked at it, enjoying the taste of sweetness after the salt of Ty’s sweat.

He trembled repeatedly, and I guessed that he had never had his cock sucked before, so I intended to give him the experience of his life. Without hesitating, I swallowed his entire stem, my chin nuzzling into the fleshy curtains of his testicles, and my nose embedded in his short hairs. I gagged slightly but stayed put. It was difficult to keep his impressive girth in my mouth, but I relaxed into it and after a moment I was fine.

I moved my head up and down only slightly, keeping his entire johnson in my mouth, but stimulating as much of the surface area as possible with my tongue, my throat, and the top of my mouth. I sucked and slurped for all I was worth, producing a ton of saliva to lubricate his shaft.

When he started to whimper, I slowly began to undulate up and down, sucking all the way up to the tip, then plunging my mouth down again to deepthroat him. He was losing control and bucking his hips with each of my movements, and I remembered the first time someone had given me a blowjob with a mixture of fondness and jealousy.

Though we didn’t have much time, I didn’t want Ty to come just yet, especially since I hadn’t gotten my own rocks off. I was fully in control of the situation, so I decided to go for it. His legs were splayed on either side of me, so I grabbed them under the knees, and pushed them back and up in the air to get a clear path to his ass crack. It was furrier than I expected, and it had the same musky aroma as his crotch, only stronger. I breathed through my mouth (a trick a fuck buddy of mine at college had taught me) and started to lick his fleshy furrow clean.

Every time my mouth approached his asshole, Ty groaned. He seemed to be really sensitive in the area—in a good way that made me think that he would love getting fucked. I worked over that pungent pink sphincter with all the skill I had, using my lips, my mouth, my stubbly chin, and then when I thought he was good and relaxed, I slid one of my index fingers in.

Ty immediately tensed up, but he didn’t say anything, so I gently played around, making my finger vibrate and swirl. Within seconds flat, he was relaxed again and squirming around on the floor, loving every single move I made. I continued licking at his ass and sucked his balls every now and then as I finger-banged him with first one, then two fingers. With bated breath, I dared to slip a third finger in, and he just went with it, riding my hand like a pro as I buried my digits up to the knuckles in the elastic warmth of his ass cavity.

Now that Ty had been attended to, I wanted to meet my own needs, and I was going to give him a treat. I carefully disengaged from him and stood up. He opened his eyes to look up at me and immediately came up to his knees in front of me. I stepped closer so that my stiff meat was right in his face, and I pulled his head toward it. He dutifully opened his mouth to tentatively lick at the tip, and I let him explore for a moment or two. When he was off guard, I crammed my entire shaft into his mouth, making him gag. His eyes widened in surprise, then started watering from the gagging. I kept his mouth on my cock, praying he wouldn’t bite me by reflex, but he quickly gained control and stayed still.

I felt his saliva coating my penis, and when it was good and covered, I pulled Ty’s mouth off it, lifted him up by his armpits, and turned him around so that he was on his feet, leaning over a pile of moving boxes that came up to just above his waist.

Without losing a moment, I rubbed my wet dick up and down the valley of his ass, mingling his saliva with my own, and using the lube juice of my own spit and the precum that was oozing from my piss slit to get his rosebud nice and slippery.

“Yeah, do it,” he said quietly, bracing himself for penetration by bending his knees slightly and reaching back to hold his ass cheeks apart. I pointed my pole straight ahead and eased the aerodynamic head into his asshole. His breathing became quicker as he tensed up, but I rubbed his back and made a shhh sound to relax him. When he loosened up again, I pushed in harder and faster, my staff sinking into his puckered sphincter inch by inch.

He took it like a champ, only whimpering slightly. I stood still for a moment, letting him get used to the pressure I was putting on him, and when he had mastered it, I started to grind slowly in and out of him.

I looked down to watch how his hairy hole tightly encircled the circumference of my erection. It was so fucking hot to see it swallow my entire shaft, stretching to accommodate me.

Ty let out an mmm sound, and I started to hump him faster. I didn’t want to come too soon, but I was getting really excited as I shoved my cock farther and farther into his depths.

I gripped his hips firmly, holding him in place as I began to piston in and out of him. I helped him keep his balance while knocking him into that pile of boxes with more and more force.

He got into the rhythm of it quickly and started to push back on my cock so that each of my strokes became long and powerful as I pulled out nearly to the tip, then dove back in balls deep. Ty started stroking his cock fast and hard to keep up with my impulsion. We were both emitting low, guttural grunts from the exertion, and streams of sweat were pouring off us both.

It was pretty slippery trying to hold on to him, and every time my thighs hit the back of his legs, they made a moist, slapping sound. I leaned over him so that my taut chest lay on his wet, muscled back and I drove up into him with more limited, precise strokes, really using the upward curve of my cock to hit his G-spot.

All my pumping was creating an abrasive friction now as the lubrication of our spit began to evaporate. On the one hand, I could tell we would both be uncomfortable in another few moments; but on the other, it heightened every sensation leading to what I sensed would be an explosive orgasm.

I straightened back up and spat down onto my sheath to give us a little bit more lube, then hit Ty with a few more quick, punchy thrusts. I was really close, so I quickly withdrew from him and started to jack off. Within seconds, I was drizzling cum all over the broad plain of his back, covering it with my white love juice. A few of the last drops slid from my hole to a spot right above the dent of his ass and started to slip down it. I bent down and licked them up before they got too far, enjoying the rare taste of my own semen.

It only made me want more, so I turned Ty, who was still jacking off, around to face me. I stationed my mouth just in front of his reddened cock, which looked like it would blow any second. I licked gently at the very tip of it, which sent him over the edge. He grabbed my head and fed me the tip of his cock, still milking it for all he was worth. He must have been saving that load up for days because it seemed to fill my mouth with syrupy, milky profusion. It just kept coming and coming, but after about a dozen yanks, Ty seemed to finish and pulled out of my mouth, drained.

I swallowed most of his sperm, but left a little bit in my mouth so that when I stood up to kiss him, I could push it into his mouth with my tongue. He stiffened for a moment, then went with it, taking every last drop, and even licking a couple spots on my chin where he had sprayed a few strings of it.

When he had thoroughly cleaned off my face, he grinned and said, “Yummy.”

“Yeah, it was,” I said, kissing him one last time. “We’d better get dressed, sweet stuff,” I said, handing him his clothes.

I used my shirt to wipe the rest of my cum off his back, then balled it up in my fist. We both got dressed quickly, hopped off the truck, and went in the house to clean up. By the time we had soaped up and dried off, Ty’s dad was back from his errand.

He surveyed our work and asked, “What have you two been doing? It doesn’t look like you got very much work done.”

“That’s my fault, sir,” I said, taking the blame. “I was having trouble finding a particular box in the truck and I made Ty help.”

“Yeah, it was in one of those really hard-to-reach places, but Brad got to it,” volunteered Ty.

I almost lost it, but kept a straight face. Ty’s father went back into the truck to start working again, and I squeezed Ty’s hand before he followed him in. I returned to my room to continue unpacking.

By the end of the day, all my family’s stuff was in the house, and it was time for Ty and his father to leave. We shook hands and said good-bye, and it wasn’t until the truck had rumbled down the road and turned the corner that I realized I had forgotten to get Ty’s number or give him my own. There was no way to get back in touch with him. I was momentarily saddened to think that this had been just a one-time affair. Then again, after the intensity of it, I didn’t know how many more meetings with Ty I could take. I just might have to wait until my family moved again to find out….

Hard At Work

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