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Plugin Deactivation Function


Like the activation function, WordPress also allows you to execute code from a registered deactivation callback via the register_deactivation_hook() function. The following example includes the src/Deactivation.php class and executes its deactivate() method:

<?php namespace PDEV; register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, function() { require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'src/Deactivation.php'; Deactivation::deactivate(); } );

Once you've registered your deactivation callback, you need to run some code on deactivation. The following is an example of how to set up your Deactivation class:

<?php namespace PDEV; class Deactivation { public static function deactivate() { // Run your deactivation code here. } }

Like with the activation hook, you have the freedom to run any code that you need when a user decides to deactivate your plugin.

Professional WordPress Plugin Development

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