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In addition to the artists and writers mentioned in the Contributors section, I must give my sincere appreciation to the other dozens of men and women, the experiencers, who suffered attacks from vampiric spirit parasites and who chose to remain anonymous, but who told me their stories. Others, who were willing to present their stories with a first name only or a pseudonym, also receive my hearty thanks for their time and their courage in sharing their accounts with me.

Among the investigators into the strange and unknown who were kind enough to share their accounts and their research with is Angela Thomas, the executive coproducer and co-host of the P.O.R.T.A.L. Paranormal Talk Radio Show. Her website is http://www.oct13baby.com/. Other useful web sites included the Vampire Community Resource Directory (www.veritasvosliberabit.com/resourcelinks.html), and TWILIGHT at www.meetup.com/twilight.

Although they have their own special page of recognition in the Contributors section, I wish to give another robust round of applause to the magnificent artists Ricardo Pustanio, Bill Oliver, and Dan Allen, who made us feel the very breath of vampires upon our necks.

I also found the following books useful in researching the history of vampirism as it evolved from prehistoric times to the modern day.

Constable, T.J. The Cosmic Pulse of Life. London: Merlin Press, 1976.

London, Sondra. True Vampires. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2004.

Maccoby, Hyam. The Sacred Executioner. London: Thames & Hudson, 1982.

Masters, R.E.L. Eros and Evil. New York: The Julian Press, 1962.

Masters, R.E.L., and Eduard Lea. Perverse Crimes in History. New York: The Julian Press, 1963.

Melton, J. Gordon. The Vampire Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1994.

Noll, Richard. Bizarre Diseases of the Mind. New York: Berkley Books, 1990.

Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic. New York: Pantheon Books, 1948.

Trevor-Roper, H.R. The European Witch-Craze. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.

Real Vampires, Night Stalkers and Creatures from the Darkside

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