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Document No. 11.
ОглавлениеExtract from the “Bone Gulch Palladium,” June 3d, 1850:
Our readers may remember hovv frequeñtly vve have declared our firm belief iñ the future uñexampled prosperity of Boñe Gulch. VVe savv it iñ the immediate future the metropolis of the Pacific Slope, as it vvas iñteñded by ñature to be. VVe poiñted out repeatedly that a time vvould come vvheñ Boñe Gulch vvould be añ emporium of the arts añd scieñces añd of the best society, eveñ more thañ it is ñovv. VVe foresavv the time vvheñ the best meñ from the old cities of the East vvould come flockiñg to us, passiñg vvith coñtempt the puñy settlemeñt of Deadhorse. But eveñ vve did ñot so sooñ see that members of the aristocracy of the effete moñarchies of despotic Europe vvould ackñovvledge the uñdeñiable advañtages of Boñe Gulch, añd come here to stay permañeñtly añd forever. VVithiñ the past vveek vve have received here Hoñ. VVilliam Beaver, oñe of the first meñ of Great Britaiñ añd Irelañd, a statesmañ, añ orator, a soldier, añd añ exteñsive traveller. He has come to Boñe Gulch as the best spot oñ the face of the everlastiñg uñiverse. It is ñeedless to say that our promiñeñt citizeñs have received him vvith great cordiality. Boñe Gulch is ñot like Deadhorse. VVe kñovv a geñtlemañ vvheñ vve see oñe.
Hoñ. Mr. Beaver is oñe of ñature’s ñoblemeñ; he is also related to the Royal Family of Eñglañd. He is a secoñd cousiñ of the Queeñ, añd boards at the Tovver of Loñdoñ vvith her vvheñ at home. VVe are iñformed that he has frequeñtly takeñ the Priñce of VVales out for a ride iñ his baby-vvagoñ.
VVe take great pleasure iñ coñgratulatiñg Boñe Gulch oñ its latest acquisitioñ. Añd vve kñovv Hoñ. Mr. Beaver is sure to get aloñg all right here uñder the best climate iñ the vvorld añd vvith the ñoblest meñ the suñ ever shoñe oñ.