Читать книгу One Drive in a Million: A Mile-by-Mile guide to Southwest Colorado's San Juan Skyway and Million Dollar Highway - Branson R. Reynolds Reynolds - Страница 5

Using this Guide


As you travel the Skyway, mile-markers will serve as reference points. These markers are placed every mile between major highway junctions, the numbers getting larger going in one direction, and smaller going the other. The mileages are seen as white numbers against a green background located on metal posts along the highway.

The bold numbers in the guide represent the mile markers along the route. Locations in the guide are recorded to the nearest tenth of a mile beyond the last marker. Different odometers often give slightly different measurements and markers are also sometimes missing due to removal by snowplows, etc., so consider the mileages given between markers as close approximations.

One Drive in a Million: A Mile-by-Mile guide to Southwest Colorado's San Juan Skyway and Million Dollar Highway

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