Читать книгу Stonechild and Rouleau Mysteries 5-Book Bundle - Brenda Chapman - Страница 44



Bringing a book to its final form takes a great deal of work and vision by many dedicated folks. First, thank you to Sylvia McConnell for reading the original manuscript and championing it for publication — your support and encouragement have always been invaluable. Thanks also go to Allister Thompson for his continued support these many years. Cold Mourning was patiently and carefully edited by Jennifer McKnight, and Karen McMullin coordinated publicity — thank you both for all of your guidance and hard work. Thanks also to Jesse Hooper and Carmen Giraudy for the splendid cover design. My deep appreciation goes to the entire Dundurn team, led by Publisher Kirk Howard and Vice-President Beth Bruder, for your belief in Canadian authors and our work.

Since the release of my first mystery novel in 2004, I have belonged to a supportive crime- writing group called Capital Crime Writers. I’ve benefited from a wealth of subject specialists who’ve visited our monthly meetings. Retired Sergeant Damien Coakeley from Ottawa Police Services was one such guest speaker, who went on to read my manuscript and to guide me on details of the crime and investigative techniques. I owe Damien a huge debt of gratitude for his first-hand knowledge and wise advice.

I also would like to acknowledge the supportive crime-writing community in Ottawa and across the country. In particular, I would like to express my deep respect and appreciation to my Ottawa writing buddies Mary Jane Maffini, Barbara Fradkin, Linda Wiken, R.J. Harlick, Tim Wynne-Jones, Rick Mofina, Thomas Rendell Curran, Alex Brett, C.B. Forrest, Jeff Ross, Michael J. McCann, Dave Whellams, and Peggy Blair. You each make this writing gig a lot more fun.

Many friends and readers, old and new, have supported me along the way. Every kind comment, Facebook “like” and retweet have made me smile and kept me motivated. You are the ones who show up at my book launches and signings, send words of encouragement across the miles and, most importantly, read my books — I thank each and every one of you.

Finally, thank you to my family, near and far. Ted, Lisa, and Julia Weagle, you are much loved and appreciated — and welcome to our family, Robin Guy. A special word of love and affection to my sister in law Phyllis Goucher, who has always been one of my strongest cheerleaders.

Stonechild and Rouleau Mysteries 5-Book Bundle

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