Читать книгу Death Tractates - Brenda Hillman - Страница 4

A Note about the Book


At the beginning of 1989, my closest female mentor died suddenly at a young age. I had been working on a manuscript to be called Bright Existence.

The poems in this little book presented themselves as “an interruption” to the other work (though the themes and sources—many of them gnostic—are similar); I tried to will them to be a part of Bright Existence, at first allowing them only a certain number of lines, twisting them to fit assignments. But they would be written only when/as the present form showed itself to me (like a butterfly opening out on a leaf).

In this process, the relationship between the two books changed as well. Though this book was a sister to the other, it still needed to break away, to stand by itself.

February 1989–January 1990 B.H.

Death Tractates

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