Читать книгу Spaniard's Seduction / Cole's Red-Hot Pursuit: Spaniard's Seduction - Brenda Jackson - Страница 2


Spaniard’s Seductionby Tessa Radley

Lying in bed, staring into the darkness, Caitlyn remembered the single kiss she had shared with Rafaelo.

She moved restlessly, the cotton sheets cool and smooth against her hot, aching skin. The response the Spanish nobleman had aroused in her was intense, physical, consuming. If only he wouldn’t be leaving once he got what he’d come for.

What he’d come for…

His share of Saxon’s Folly.

Suddenly she felt chilled, and the darkness seemed to turn hostile. Rafaelo would never be able to reconcile with the Saxons. There was too much bad blood between them. And she was trapped in the middle—between the family she adored, and the man she was coming to love…

Cole’s Red-Hot Pursuitby Brenda Jackson

“I need company.”

Patrina studied Cole’s expression, searching his eyes for some clue to his meaning. “Company?”

“Yes, company. I don’t like eating alone,” Cole said.

Patrina had a sinking feeling. He didn’t know her and there was a lot she didn’t know about him. But one thing was certain—the sizzling, sexual chemistry flowing between them. And yet, the last thing on her agenda was getting involved in an affair destined to go nowhere. Besides, Cole Westmoreland was a lawman.

She glanced at Cole and saw a sexy smile curve his lips and a twinkle spark in his dark-brown eyes. The man was messing with her rational mind, and making it difficult for her to breathe.

“It looks like we’re stuck here together,” he said, glancing out the window. At that moment, Patrina realised that whether she liked it or not, she was temporarily stranded with Cole Westmoreland.

Spaniard's Seduction / Cole's Red-Hot Pursuit: Spaniard's Seduction

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