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“I will always appreciate our time together, and if you ever need me for anything, you know how to reach me. Don’t ever hesitate to call, all right?”

Farrah nodded. “All right. Thanks.”

He cupped her chin in his hand before leaning down and capturing her mouth in a kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. His tongue tangled with hers, eliciting all kinds of lust that began rushing through her veins in a matter of seconds.

When he finally released her mouth and stepped back, she eased back down to the edge of the bed to watch him get dressed. He slid his jeans back over his muscular thighs before readjusting his briefs. She studied the bulge in his crotch, the object that had given her so much pleasure over the past year. It was still hard, thick and so engorged it practically seemed ready to explode.

Desire thrummed through her body as she remembered how good he felt inside of her, how good he tasted, and she quickly decided there was no use letting a good opportunity go to waste.


He glanced over at her as he buttoned his jeans. “Yes?”

“How about one more for the road?”

Bachelor Unleashed

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