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Chapter 2


Winston was tempted to kiss that shocked look right off the woman’s lips but decided he needed to retain his cool. He stared at her knowing it was just a matter of time before she put him in his place, and when she did he would do the same to her. But even with the shock on her face, he’d seen it—that flash of desire that had lit her eyes before he’d come on to her.

“How dare you say something like that to me,” she said in a breathless rush.

He slid into the chair across from her. “I dare because I saw the way you were looking at me.”

The frown on her face deepened. “I was not looking at you in any particular way.”

“I beg to differ,” he said, leaning close to her and thinking the shape of her mouth was a total turn-on.

“You can beg all you want, mister.”

“Not mister. Winston. And you are?”

“You don’t need to know my name.”

He shrugged. “That’s fine. For now I’ll just call you Red. That color looks great on you, by the way.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t exert your efforts since they won’t work on me.”

“They won’t?”


“I think any effort I invest in you will be well worth it,” he said. “May I join you?”

“It seems you already have.”

She was right, he had. Was that irritation he heard in her voice or anticipation? Usually he wasn’t this forward with a woman, nor as pushy. But there had been this instant connection between them the moment their gazes had met, whether she admitted to it or not.

“So where are you from, Red?”

If he thinks he’s getting any information out of me, he’s as crazy as he is bold, Ainsley thought, taking another sip of her water. And where was the waitress? She needed that margarita right now. Up close the man was simply gorgeous and each time he spoke she could feel her stomach quivering.

“What makes you think I’m not from here?” she asked, feeling pleasure radiating through her traitorous body. The man had a sexual magnetism that was slowly drawing her in, eroding her resistance. And he smelled so darn good. She was tempted to ask him what cologne he was wearing.

“Lucky guess,” he said, reclaiming her attention.

She glanced around for a waitress before returning her gaze to him. When their eyes locked, her pulse rate increased. She swallowed deeply before saying, “I take that to mean you’re from Hilton Head.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Then where are you from?” she inquired, trying to see if she could decipher his accent. There was enough of a Southern drawl to let her know he was from the South. Possibly Tennessee or Texas.

“I asked you first.”

And she had no intention of telling him. She doubted he’d ever heard of Claxton, New Jersey, but still, he might begin asking questions for conversational purposes and she didn’t want to talk about her hometown. “And I’m not talking,” she said, glancing away. His eyes were too mesmerizing. They were like a magnet, pulling her in.

At that moment a waitress appeared. “Sorry to keep you waiting. What will you guys have?”

“I want a margarita,” she said.

“Please make that two margaritas but hold them until later,” Winston added.

Ainsley frowned when the waitress walked off. “Excuse me, but I want my drink now.”

“We’re about to do something else now.”

She tilted her head and tried steadying her heart rate which wasn’t easy. “And just what do you think we’re about to do?”

“Dance. You said you’re not talking so I figured we’ll dance first.”

Ainsley leaned back in her chair. “And what makes you think I want to dance?”

A smile touched his lips. “I know you want to dance because I noticed you were tapping your feet to the music and even rocking your body a little.”

He’d noticed all of that? Jeez, the man was too observant. “I don’t need a partner to dance.”

“True, but what fun would dancing alone be?”

At that moment the band struck up another number and a rush of people hurriedly moved to the dance floor. “Come on,” he said, standing and extending his hand out to her. “Let’s dance.”

She glanced down at his hand. Should she? She had come here to loosen up on the dance floor. Besides, it was a fast number and their bodies wouldn’t even touch.

“Unless …”

Ainsley lifted a brow. “Unless what?”

He smiled. “Unless you think you’ll embarrass us both out there,” he said.

She knew he was only baiting her, but still, she didn’t take too kindly to his assertion. If anything, she could probably show him up. In addition to taking dancing classes all her life, she’d also worked part-time as a dancer at a hot spot in New York City, earning extra money while she’d attended journalism school at Columbia University.

She placed her hand in his and the moment their hands touched, she felt her nerve endings ignite. She looked up and met his eyes. It was as if he was staring straight into her soul, seeing things she didn’t want anyone to see, especially a stranger. Specifically, she didn’t want anyone to know how painful losing the election had been to her.


The man called Winston reclaimed her attention and she fought to ignore the heat sizzling through her veins. The attraction she felt to him was unsettling and she was tempted to pull away her hand but couldn’t.

Ainsley stood, tilting her head and meeting his gaze directly. “I’m not afraid of embarrassing you, Winston,” she finally responded, saying his name for the first time. “Lead the way.”

He lightly tugged on her hand and they moved toward the dance floor. He indicated he wasn’t from here and she couldn’t help wondering what had brought him to Hilton Head. Was he here trying to escape his troubles like she was, or was he here just to have a good time? She’d glanced at his left hand earlier and noticed he wasn’t wearing a ring, nor was there any indication one had recently been on his finger.

When he stopped on the dance floor, she faced him and saw they were standing under the bright lights. The music was lively and funky. The rhythm flowed through her, making her body instinctively move to the beat. She put her all into it.

She noted the surprised look on his face and threw back her head and laughed. Served him right for insinuating she would embarrass him on the dance floor. He laughed as well and then he surprised her when he joined her in the dance, his muscled thighs and broad chest moving in a way that made her insides sizzle. How could such a masculine body move with such grace, style and unfaltering virility? Out of nowhere she remembered hearing that a man who was good on his feet was probably good in bed.

The thought made her nipples harden against her dress and when he eased closer to her and rubbed those muscular thighs against hers, she felt desire flow through her bloodstream, drenching her pores. He continued to surprise her with his dance moves. It seemed they were even. He had pulled one on her, as well.

Ainsley didn’t have to be an onlooker to know they danced great together and they looked good as a couple on the dance floor. The room was noisy, the music loud, but none of that mattered. The only thing that attracted her full attention was Winston. She wasn’t even sure that was his real name but she would take him at his word. Yet she had no intention of sharing her name with him. If he wanted to continue to call her Red, that was fine with her.

Feeling somewhat feisty she deliberately brushed her body against his. In response, he leaned in close and whispered the words “Naughty Red” in her ear, sending hot waves through her and making a deep longing flare up between her legs. When he moved back to make a turn around the floor, their eyes connected and his penetrating gaze seared her.

She fought for breath when the dance came to an end and he bowed gracefully to her and she smiled. It had been quite a workout. She was about to go back to her table when he captured her hand and asked, “Another?”

Ainsley should have had the mind to decline and return to her seat, especially when the musicians began playing a slow number. Instead she nodded and he gently pulled her into his arms.

She automatically placed her head on his shoulder, not wanting to think about anything but what was happening to her. She had just completed a fast dance with a very handsome, virile and sexy man and now she was on the dance floor in his embrace as their bodies swayed to a slow number.

He tightened his arms around her, bringing her closer to him, and she felt all the contours of his body. She drew in a deep breath and pulled her head away from his shoulder to glance up at him as he moved them in a circular motion around the dance floor. “You didn’t tell me you could dance,” she whispered accusingly.

Laughing, he showed dimples in both cheeks and she immediately felt her pulse go wacky upon seeing them. “You didn’t tell me you could dance, either,” he countered.

He was right, she hadn’t. There was a lot they were keeping from each other but this was not a night to get serious. It was a night to live life and forget troubles. Besides, there was no reason to get personal. It was just a dance. “I’m not talking, remember?”

He chuckled. “I remember. You don’t have to talk but I do want you to feel.”

And with those words he drew her deeper into his arms and she could feel the weight of her breasts against his chest and how her nipples tingled with the contact. Then there was the way his hard, muscled thighs brushed against hers while his hand at the center of her back held her close. And she was fully aware every time his lips brushed against her forehead. If he was taking advantage of the soulful, sinfully sultry sound of the music to seduce her, it was working.

Tension curled in the pit of her stomach as the dance became more sensual. A soft gasp escaped from her lips when she felt the hard length of his erection settling indecently between her thighs. She closed her eyes as they moved together in perfect unison, melding their bodies in a lusty configuration around the dance floor. Heat was building between them; she could feel it like a tangible force storming her senses. The man had an intoxicating sensuality that was overwhelming.

They continued to dance and he was effectively wiping all unwanted thoughts from her mind and replacing them with ones too scandalous to think about. She opened her eyes and leaned back to look up at him and his intense gaze captured hers.

She could feel how his body was gliding against hers, igniting pleasure points wherever he brushed her. Her gaze traveled from his eyes to his mouth. She thought it arrogant before but it was sensuous now. His lips had a decadent shape to them, and immediately made her think of kissing … and tasting. She could imagine joining her lips to his while their tongues tangled desperately. Such thoughts made her lips feel dry and she swiped them with the tip of her tongue. She watched his gaze follow the movement.

All too soon she heard the music winding down and reluctantly their bodies parted. He took her hand and led her back to their table. As soon as they were seated, two margaritas were placed in front of them.

“Thanks,” she said to the waitress. The woman nodded and smiled before rushing off with the other drinks on her tray.

“Busy night,” Winston said smiling.

“Undoubtedly,” she said, taking a much-needed sip of her drink.

He was sitting across from her, intently holding her gaze while he sipped his. Sensations began overtaking over and they were sensations she’d never felt before meeting this stranger. There was something about being with this man that prevented her from thinking straight. Prevented her from thinking at all.

She felt dizzy and breathless and drew in a deep breath, trying to control all those lusty thoughts taking over her mind. He reached out and took her hand and smoldering heat suffused her. Why did she feel like a stick of dynamite ready to explode whenever he touched her?

“I’d like to make a suggestion,” he said in a deep timbre that continued to wash over her like hot molten desire.

“What kind of suggestion?”

“Come with me.”

She swallowed. “And go where?”

“Upstairs. I have a room in this hotel.”

Ainsley didn’t say anything. She wasn’t dumb. She understood his invitation well and knew what would take place in that room. She had come here tonight for a good time, not to tangle between the sheets with a man. But he was making the thought of such a thing incredibly irresistible since he was stroking needs she hadn’t taken care of for more than a year now.

She didn’t say anything and took another sip of her drink as she continued to watch him with the same intensity that he was watching her. Heat was flowing between them and suddenly she felt an intense need to be alone with him and do what grown folks do.

She didn’t have to probe deep into her mind to discover why she was considering his suggestion. She’d been under a lot of strain lately and the election and all the campaigning had wound her up tight. All that negativity had been a crushing blow and she hadn’t had a means to escape or regroup. Now it was over and her body was looking for a release.

Maybe a night of mindless, overpowering pleasure was just the thing she needed. Chances were high that she wouldn’t see him again since her visit to Hilton Head was short-term.


Lifting her gaze, she tried to fight back sensations that were hurtling around inside her like a violent storm, stroking her needs. She was always someone who hadn’t hesitated going after anything she wanted, so why should she hesitate going after him when she did want him?

After taking another sip of her margarita, she set down her glass and said in a breathless quiver, “Okay let’s go.”

A smile eased to both corners of his lips and his hold on her hand tightened. “All right.”

Releasing her hand, he stood to pull out several bills and tossed them on the table to cover their drinks. And when she stood, he placed his hand at her waist as he led her out of the nightclub.

Bachelor Unclaimed

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