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Dalton opened the door to find his brothers standing there...with their wives. He knew Jace and Caden had questions and wanted answers. When he’d called, the only thing he’d said was that he’d been followed that night and that their father’s attorney was going to explain why. He wanted them to get their asses over to his place as soon as possible. That had been less than twenty minutes ago, so they’d made good time.

“Come on in,” he said, stepping aside. “Boyett will explain everything.”

Being the gentlemen they were, of course, his brothers stood back to let their wives enter first. That gave Dalton a chance to pull Jace and Caden aside. “Why are Wonder Woman and Wine Lady here? What Boyett has to say might be private.”

Jace rolled his eyes. “Privacy is not an issue when it comes to our wives, Dalton. They’re now part of this family, so get over it.”

Dalton drew in a deep breath. He was over it, since being married was what they’d undoubtedly wanted. But he hadn’t gotten used to having additional players in their family business, especially when it concerned their father. Hell, he’d tried sending Jules home, but she had refused to leave. Since she was the one who’d nailed the fact he’d been followed, he had allowed her to stay.

“Jules? You’re here?” he heard Shana ask her sister, surprised.

From the look on his brothers’ faces, they were surprised, as well. Caden leaned in to whisper, “You questioned us about bringing our wives, yet Jules is here? A woman you claim you can’t stand?”

Dalton frowned. “She’s not here by choice, trust me. And I can’t stand her. Nothing has changed.”

“Then why is she here?” Jace asked with a speculative look on his face.

“Not for the reasons you think. All of your questions will be answered soon, so come on and join the club.” He couldn’t wait to see the expressions on his brothers’ faces when they discovered that Carson Boyett was a woman.

Dalton quickly moved to stand in the center of his living room. Deciding not to delay the introductions, he said, “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Roland Summers, Stonewall Courson, Carson Boyett and Bobby Turner. As you know, Carson is Dad’s attorney and has information to share with us.”

His brothers and their wives glanced at the three men expectantly, having assumed that Bobby Turner was the female. Dalton couldn’t help but chuckle when Carson moved forward and presented her hand to Jace. “I’m glad we’re finally meeting. Your father speaks highly of his sons.”

The shock on their faces was priceless. “You’re Carson Boyett?” Jace asked, stunned. “Dad never said you were a woman.”

“That must be true since Dalton had the same reaction,” Carson said, grinning. “You’ll need to mention that to Sheppard next time you see him.”

“He fired his former attorney, Jess Washington,” Caden said, eyeing Carson curiously. “He never said why. Granddad didn’t, either.”

Carson nodded. “Yes, he felt Washington didn’t do a good job representing him at the trial. And now he’s wondering whether it was intentional, since Vidal Duncan was the one who recommended Washington.”

Jace shrugged. “Duncan recommended Shana,” he said, smiling over at his wife. “And she worked out just great for Granger Aeronautics.”

“Yes, but he had an ulterior motive in making sure that I did,” Shana reminded her husband.

Caden glanced over at the other three men. “So who are you three?”

“They’re friends of mine,” Carson said. “They are also friends of your father.”

Dalton frowned. “Since when?”

Roland chuckled. “I’ve known your father since Carson became his attorney. He was going into the slammer just as I was getting out, so our paths never crossed.”

“You served time in jail?” Caden asked, beating Dalton to the punch.

“Yes. We all have.”

“Not me,” Bobby Turner spoke up proudly. “My record’s clean.”

“Yes, Bobby, it is, and we want to make sure it stays that way,” Roland replied.

“You met Dad through Carson, too?” Dalton asked the man called Stonewall. There was something about him that reminded Dalton of several agents he’d worked with while in the USN. Stonewall had very little to say, but Dalton knew not to take his silence lightly. He’d been sizing things up, and in a way, that made Dalton a little uncomfortable. He looked like the type of man you wouldn’t want to cross. Although Roland Summers wasn’t a small man, either; Stonewall stood at least an inch or two over him. And although both were muscular compared to Bobby’s slim frame, Stonewall looked a lot more edgy—dangerous and threatening.

“No, I met Shep when we served time together at Glenworth,” Stonewall said.

“You were at Glenworth?” Jace asked, studying the man.


“Why?” Dalton asked, as if he had a right to know. He knew Glenworth Penitentiary, the prison where his father had served time for ten years before being sent to Delvers Prison. It wasn’t an Alcatraz but was known to house hardened criminals, those locked up for long periods of time and considered a definite menace to society, like murderers, bank robbers and habitual offenders. Dalton wondered which category Stonewall fell in.

Stonewall crossed his arms over his chest. “Doesn’t matter why I was there. Thanks to Shep, I’m no longer a convict,” he said in a voice that sounded as dangerous as he looked.

“Dad got you out?” Caden asked.

Stonewall’s lips curved at the corners. It was a smile that nobody saw coming. “In a manner of speaking. He kept me out of trouble. Without Shep at Glenworth, there’s no doubt in my mind I would have killed several guards and inmates by now.”

Shit! What sort of men had Dad associated with while at Glenworth? Dalton knew all about his father’s ten years at Glenworth and that Sheppard Granger had been a model prisoner. Hell, he’d even started a number of positive programs for the inmates, such as Toastmasters, Future Leaders of Tomorrow and a GED program. His efforts had been successful and were recognized by the media and even the governor himself. But then, his father had always been a born leader, a man admired and respected. That wouldn’t change just because a fucking jury found him guilty of a crime he hadn’t committed. Five years ago, on the recommendation of the warden at Glenworth, the governor had approved Sheppard’s transfer to Delvers, a prison that housed less-serious offenders.

Dalton knew he wasn’t imagining things. The room had grown silent. It seemed that everyone, especially his brothers and their wives, were speechless after the man’s blatant admission. However, he did notice that Stonewall’s testimonial didn’t seem to faze Carson, Bobby or Roland at all. Moments later, after clearing his throat, Jace turned to Carson. “I’m trying to understand what’s going on. Dalton said he was followed tonight and that you can tell us all why.”

Carson nodded, and a light smile touched her lips. “Yes, and I suggest we all sit down. You are all tall men, and I’ll get a neck ache looking up at you guys.”

Dalton nodded. Although his condo was a nice size, the living room didn’t have seating for ten people. “I’ll grab some additional chairs from the dining room.”

It didn’t take long for everyone to be seated. The Grangers turned expectant eyes to Carson. She was about to speak when Dalton’s doorbell rang. “Who in the hell can that be?” Dalton asked, standing.

“That’s probably my other two men,” Roland offered.

“Former inmates, as well?” Dalton couldn’t help asking, considering what they’d been told so far.


Dalton frowned as he headed for the door. His gaze met Jules’s, and somehow he could decipher her thoughts, which were identical to his own. Jeez. What was this? The meeting of the former criminals club? What type of business was Roland Summers operating with employees...including Roland himself...who were former inmates at Glenworth? And why was his dad’s attorney involved with them? Dalton didn’t know about his brothers, but he wasn’t feeling too good about this. And what was going on with his and Jules’s thoughts connecting? How did that happen...and why? That was scary as hell. So far she hadn’t had anything to say, but he knew she was listening attentively and carefully observing everything that was going on. So was he. He couldn’t wait to hear what Carson Boyett had to say.

He opened his door to find two tall, muscular men standing there. They looked like real ass-kickers. “Yes?”

“We’re here for Carson’s meeting,” one of the men said, seeming to stare him down.

Dalton started to ask for their names and even thought of asking them to present their ID. But what would be the point? It was late. He wasn’t in the mood, and he had a feeling they weren’t, either. So he just moved aside and said, “Welcome to the party.” He led them toward the living room.

The moment they entered the living room, Caden glanced their way and was out of his seat in a flash. “Striker?”

Striker? Dalton glanced at the men behind him, and one of them actually smiled.

“Yeah, man, it’s me.”

“Wait a minute.” Jace stood and glanced at Caden and then back at the man Caden had just called by name. “Isn’t that the name of the guy who saved your life that night Grover tried to run you over?”

“Yes,” Caden said, nodding. He then looked over at Carson. “I want to know what’s going on.”

Carson inhaled deeply. “What’s going on is that your father believed your lives were in danger, and he requested bodyguards be assigned to each of you,” she said, addressing the three brothers.

“What?” the Grangers and the wives asked simultaneously, not believing what they were hearing.

“Are you kidding us?” Dalton asked. “Why would Dad think that? Was this before or after that attempt was made on Jace’s life?”

“After. Someone sent him an email in prison and told him that if the three of you reopened his case, bodily harm would come to you. He felt he wasn’t in a position to call the person’s bluff, so he told me what to do.”

“Trust me,” the man standing beside Striker said. “Had I been there, that bastard wouldn’t have gotten close to you, Jace.”

“But you were there,” Caden said, staring over at Striker. “And you didn’t happen to be out walking like you claimed, did you? You were guarding me that night.”

Striker nodded. “Yes.”

“You saved my life. You pushed me aside—would have taken the hit to protect me.” Caden shook his head slowly. “Amazing. You would have lost your life for a job.”

“No,” Striker said, holding Caden’s gaze. “Not for a job. For Shep. I would do just about anything for that man, especially protect his sons. Your father is one of a kind.”

Thinking the mood was getting kind of sappy, Dalton said in a lighthearted tone, “Don’t tell us that Dad kept you from killing guards and fellow inmates, too.”

Striker moved his gaze from Caden to Dalton. “No, he didn’t keep me from killing any of the prison guards or fellow inmates. What he did was keep me from killing Stonewall.”

Dalton’s throat tightened. Damn, the man was serious. He couldn’t imagine his father keeping Stonewall and this man called Striker from coming to blows. There was a lull in the conversation in the room, and he understood why...at least with his brothers. They were probably wondering how their father had endured being incarcerated for fifteen years.

He switched his gaze from Striker to the big hulk of a guy standing beside him. “And you are?”

“Quasar. Quasar Patterson.”

Dalton decided not to ask what Shep had kept him from doing. Instead, he asked, “And you’ve been guarding my brother? Jace?”

“Yes, ever since Roland told us what Shep wanted.” He chuckled. “Nice honeymoon, by the way. I enjoyed South Africa.”

“Let me make sure I understand what you’re saying,” Jules said.

Dalton rolled his eyes. Why did she feel the need to clarify anything? She wasn’t in the family, so she needed to just keep her mouth shut like she had been doing up to this point. He was about to say so, but when he glanced at Jace, he got his older brother’s warning glance and held his tongue.

“Are you saying that someone sent Sheppard Granger an email threatening to do bodily harm to his sons if they reopened his case?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” Carson said, meeting Jules’s intense stare. “Sheppard immediately requested that I hire bodyguards. I agreed to do so with the understanding that if a situation came up in which I needed to reveal the truth to his sons, I could make that call.”

“And you made that call tonight,” Jules clarified, understanding completely.

“Yes. Bobby’s cover had been blown, so I had no choice.”

“Who wouldn’t want Jace, Caden and Dalton to reopen their father’s case?” Shana asked.

“Sheppard has no idea, but he wasn’t writing the email off as a prank. He loves his sons too much to do that.”

“So Quasar has been guarding Jace, Striker has been guarding Caden and Stonewall has been guarding Dalton?” Caden’s wife, Shiloh, confirmed.

“Except for tonight,” Stonewall answered. “I had personal business to tend to, and Bobby was my replacement.”

“And I made a mess of things,” Bobby said, with regret in his voice. “I should have been more cautious.”

“You were cautious,” Jules reassured him. “But I’m a private investigator and an ex-cop. I’m suspicious by nature. When Dalton arrived home, it was easy for me to pick up on the fact that you had followed him. Someone else might not have noticed. Dalton clearly didn’t.”

She would have to remind him of that in front of everyone, Dalton thought, frowning. He knew how to fix that. “Had I known you were parked outside in the cold waiting on me, Jules, I would have hurried home,” he said in a deliberately seductive tone.

“Yeah,” Bobby chimed in, grinning. “If you ask me, that was some kiss you laid on her before she could even get inside your house.”

Dalton frowned. Well, nobody asked him. He didn’t have to meet anyone’s gaze to know their eyes were on him and Jules. Speculating. Wondering. Assuming. He glanced over at Carson. It was time to get the conversation back on track.

“Regardless of that email my father received, we’re reopening his case. My brothers and I have already discussed it.”

Carson shook her head. “Sheppard won’t allow it. Like I said, he won’t take a chance with your lives.”

“Why would anyone not want Sheppard Granger cleared?” Jules asked, her mind turning with all kinds of questions. Dalton could see it in her eyes. Spinning like a whirlwind. Just like the name he’d given her.

“Only Sheppard can tell you why he assumes that,” Carson said after a brief hesitation.

“Doesn’t matter,” Dalton said matter-of-factly. “Dad has served fifteen years in prison too long. Granddad made us promise to do what we could to get him out.”

Carson shook her head. “Sheppard wouldn’t want you to do that. He’ll be eligible for parole in a few—”

“We don’t care about that,” Caden interjected. “He didn’t kill our mother, and it’s time we proved it.”

“He does not want the case reopened,” Carson stressed again.

“Do you think we’re wrong in wanting to clear our father?” Dalton asked.

“No, but my client doesn’t want—”

“What do you think?” Jace interrupted.

“It’s not what I think. It’s what my client wants.”

Jace didn’t say anything for a moment. He’d been observing Carson closely, especially during her exchange with Dalton and Caden, but mostly with Dalton as she kept repeating her client’s wishes. He must still be getting over the shock of learning that she was a woman... a very attractive woman. She was all business. Professional. Straight to the point.

Suddenly, something hit Jace in the gut, and he couldn’t help breaking into the conversation to say, “A client you’re in love with.”

The room fell quiet. Everyone stared first at Jace for having the audacity to make such a bold statement, then at Carson, who had yet to deny what he’d said.

Instead, she drew in a deep breath, met Jace’s direct gaze and said, “Yes. I’m in love with Sheppard Granger.”

A Lover's Vow

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