Читать книгу The More Mavericks, The Merrier! - Brenda Harlen, Brenda Harlen - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I have two wonderful sons, both teenagers now, but they came into my life one at a time. Though the memories of those early days and sleepless nights have faded, I haven’t completely forgotten how terrified and overwhelmed I felt at times, knowing that I was responsible for the care and well-being of a helpless baby (and, two years later, a toddler and a baby!). So while I have absolutely no practice caring for triplets, I imagined the experience would be somewhat similar to my own…times three!

But I also had a partner with whom to share the work and the worry, which Jamie Stockton—suddenly a single dad to three premature babies—does not. Thankfully, Rust Creek Falls is the kind of community where friends and neighbors are always willing to lend a hand to others in need.

Fallon O’Reilly is happy to help take care of her friend’s beautiful babies—and determined to do everything she can to make sure that their first Christmas is a merry one, despite the obstacles their dad keeps putting in her path. Jamie has a lot of reasons not to look forward to the festive season, but Fallon refuses to let him dampen her holiday spirit.

As she works her magic spreading Christmas cheer around his ranch—a tree in his living room (that she made him cut down), cookies baking in his kitchen (that she enticed him to help decorate), carols playing on the radio (that he finds himself humming along with)—he realizes that his feelings have started to change. Not just about the holidays, but about the woman who’s always been one of his best friends…

And if Fallon gets her holiday wish, she’ll find a handsome Maverick—and his three adorable children—under her tree on Christmas morning.

I hope you enjoy Jamie and Fallon’s story, and that all of your holiday wishes come true!

Brenda Harlen

The More Mavericks, The Merrier!

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