Читать книгу Hike the Parks: Rocky Mountain National Park - Brendan Leonard - Страница 66



Altitude sickness can have many symptoms, including headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, indigestion— and it can be very serious or just slightly annoying. A few things you can do to prevent it: drink enough water (probably more than you think you need), consume enough calories and electrolytes as you’re drinking all that water, show up in good physical condition, and don’t ascend too quickly. If you travel to the park from a lower elevation, it’s good to allow your body a day to acclimatize a bit—for example, if you fly into Denver from sea level, arrive in Estes Park in the early afternoon, and try to charge up to Chasm Lake (elevation 11,800 feet/3597 m) in the same day, you probably won’t feel very well by the end of the day.

Hike the Parks: Rocky Mountain National Park

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