Читать книгу 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success - Брайан Трейси, Brian Tracy, Christina Tracy Stein - Страница 2



Once upon a time, I set out on a lifelong journey to find out why the world works the way it does. Like many people on this journey, I found my way into sales, then management, and eventually entrepreneurship and business building. Over time, I began to notice consistent and predictable patterns and principles that seemed to accompany all business success. Listing and explaining them is the purpose of this book.

My mission in life has been the same for more than twenty-five years. It is to liberate individual potential by giving people ideas and strategies they can use to get more of the benefits and rewards they want far faster than they would without these ideas.

I believe that life is the most precious and wonderful of all gifts. With this belief, I have been driven for years to find ways to reduce the amount of life you need to spend to achieve the material and nonmaterial goals you set for yourself. Thus this book on the Laws of Business Success.

This book is written specifically for people working in the business world who want to maximize their personal potentials and get the greatest quality and quantity of business results possible in exchange for the hours, weeks, months, and years of their precious lives that they invest in their careers.

Any one of these laws can save you months and even years of hard work if you have not been living and working consistent with it up to now. And each of these laws is indispensable to your realizing your full potential. The consistent violation of any one of these laws can cost you months and even years of frustration and underachievement.

Here is a question for you: If you could earn $50,000 per year or $100,000 per year, all other things being equal, which would you choose?

The answer is obvious. You would always prefer more to less for the same amount of time and effort. And the fact is that people living by these laws and practicing these principles earn far more in the same period of time than people who do not.

These laws are similar to laws of physics, laws of mathematics, laws of mechanics, or laws of electricity. They are practical, proven laws that apply everywhere to success and business. They do not deal with health or home or love or balance or any of the great factors that make for happiness and personal fulfillment. This book does not attempt to address those issues, only the timeless principles of business success.

The best news of all regarding business success is that nature is neutral. If you do what other successful people do, you will get the results that other successful people get. And if you don’t, you won’t. It is as simple as that.

Some of these laws may seem simplistic or self-evident. Some repeat themselves in different ways in different categories. Don’t be fooled into discounting or dismissing them on that account. Great success and mastery in any field always go to those who are “brilliant on the basics.”

As you read, take a few moments with each law and honestly evaluate your own conduct and behavior with regard to that law. One insight or new idea that you did not have before can be all that it takes to change the direction of your life.

When you apply The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success and you live your business life in harmony with them, you will gain a distinct advantage over those who do not. You will enjoy levels of success and satisfaction you may never have imagined possible. You will accomplish more in a few months or years than many people accomplish in a lifetime!

Brian Tracy

Solana Beach, California

March 2000

100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success

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