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About the Author

Since taking early retirement from his career as a physics and sports teacher, Brian Johnson has found time for three thru’-hikes of the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2700-mile round-Britain walk, six hikes across the Pyrenees from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, a hike along the Via de la Plata from Seville to Santiago, and a single summer compleation of the Munros (Scotland’s 3000ft mountains), as well as climbing all the Corbetts (Scotland’s 2500–3000ft mountains) and the Grahams (Scotland’s 2000–2500ft mountains).

He has also completed a 2200-mile cycle tour of Spain and France and done multi-week canoe tours in Sweden, France, Spain and Portugal.

In his younger days, Brian’s main sport was orienteering, and he has now been able to return to the sport after recovering from long-term injuries. He competed at a high level and coached both Bishop Wordsworth’s School and South-West Junior Orienteering squads. He also surveyed and drew many orienteering maps. He has walked and climbed extensively in Britain, the Alps, the Pyrenees and California, often leading school groups.

As a fanatical sportsman and games player, Brian competed to a high standard at cricket, hockey, bridge and chess. His crowning achievement was winning the 1995/96 World Amateur Chess Championships. He now concentrates on orienteering, bridge and bowls.

Brian hikes under the trail name of Ancient Brit.

Other Cicerone guides by the author

The GR10 Trail – Through the French Pyrenees

The GR11 Trail – Through the Spanish Pyrenees

Walking the Corbetts Vol 1: South of the Great Glen

Walking the Corbetts Vol 2: North of the Great Glen

The Pacific Crest Trail

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