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MARY. 1553—1558.


Table of Contents

(Medals by Giacomo da Trezzo.2)

15. Condition of England, 1554? Obv. Half-length figure of Queen l., wearing coif with veil, embroidered gown, pendant pearl, &c. MARIA I. REG. ANGL. FRANC. ET HIB. FIDEI DEFENSATRIX. IAC. TREZ. Rev. Mary, as Peace, seated r., holding olive branch and palm, and burning instruments of war; behind, group of suppliants; in distance, circular temple. CECIS VISVS TIMIDIS QVIES. Copper. Size 2·6. Cast and chased.

The design on the reverse of this medal is probably emblematic of the condition of England. By Evelyn and others it was supposed to refer to the suppression of Wyat's rebellion, and to the encouragement given to the Papal party. It was probably executed by Trezzo during his residence at Madrid.

16. Portraits of Mary and Philip, 1555. Obv. Half-length figure of Queen l., same as preceding. Rev. Half-length figure of Philip II., king of Spain r., in armour. PHILIPPVS REX, &c., IAC. TREZZO F. 1555. Copper-gilt. Size 2·6. Cast and chased.

This medal was executed some little time after the marriage of Mary and Philip in 1554.

17—18. Another. Obv. Bust of Queen l., wearing coif with veil and embroidered gown. MARIA I. REG. ANGL. &c. Rev. Bust of Philip r., in armour. PHILIP. D. G. HISP. REX. Gold and silver. Size 1·45. Cast and chased.

The portraits are similar to those on the previous medals.

A Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals

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