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Chapter Five

It was time to make her intentions clear. Elowyn swept down the stairs, fully confident she could tempt the captain. Exactly how far she could tempt him remained to be seen but that was half the fun. After all, what thrill, what challenge was there in a chase to which she already knew the conclusion?

Elowyn paused briefly outside the private parlor and smoothed her skirts. One must go fully armed to the hunt, and she’d done just that. She’d dressed carefully for her campaign in a gown of crushed gold silk embroidered with muted green and orange leaves at the hem. She straightened the topaz necklace at her throat, a gift from her Russian prince. She tightened the barrette in her hair. She’d opted to wear her hair loose tonight, caught back at her nape with a simple gold barrette due to time constraints. Her hair had taken longer than she had estimated to dry it and there had been no time to put it up. Satisfied that all was in place, Elowyn squared her shoulders, lifted her chin and put on her smile. It was the same ritual she went through before meeting her father’s important guests when he entertained. Although this promised to be far more exciting. Let the negotiations begin.

An Officer But No Gentleman

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