Читать книгу Compromised By The Prince’s Touch - Bronwyn Scott - Страница 4


Author Note

Let’s play True or False: What’s real in Nikolay’s story?

True: Kuban is a real region in Russia. It encompasses Sochi, where the Winter Olympics were once held. However, there was never a kingdom or a king like the one featured in this series.

True: the region of Kuban was indeed ‘settled’ by Russia in the mid-late 1700s in order to provide a buffer between the Ottoman Empire and Russia and to reclaim the Crimea for Russia. These efforts were stimulated by the 1768-1774 Russo-Turkish war.

True: a large part of the population that settled the area were Cossacks from nearby regions

True: the Cossacks were/are known for their ‘trick’ riding abilities in battle.

True: both rebellions cited in Nikolay’s story took place. The 1825 revolt Nikolay is tempted to join did occur and was unsuccessful.

True: the rebellions were led by officers and there were connections inside the palace. The Union of Salvation was a real secret society throughout Russia.

False: there is no historic proof that Britain, privately or otherwise, financed or supported the rebellion. The arms deal subplot is my own addition. However, members of the Union had what is historically described as ‘British ideals’ regarding government and industrialisation.

True: Soho was an immigrant neighborhood in early nineteenth-century London, as were the squares where Nikolay establishes his riding academy.

True: Soho was an immigrant neighbourhood in early nineteenth-century London, as were the squares where Nikolay establishes his riding academy.

I hope you enjoy Nikolay and Klara’s tale, set against this backdrop of the real and the imagined!



Compromised By The Prince’s Touch

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