Читать книгу The Mail-Order Brides - Bronwyn Williams - Страница 2

“I’ve got a proposition for you.”


Dora’s eyes narrowed. Whatever it was, she didn’t want to hear it.

“I’ll pay you fair market value for the house and the acre of land it stands on,” Grey St. Bride announced. Her jaw fell, and while he waited for her response, he went a step further. “I’ll even include a bonus if you’ll agree to vacate the premises within one week.”

By the time she remembered to close her gaping mouth, Dora’s fists were clenched at her side. Not even that could prevent the tremors that raced up and down her body.

Nor did it quell her sudden fear, her doubts.

Could Grey force her out? If he did, where could she go to start over? No matter how much he paid her, money didn’t last forever. She, more than anyone, should know that.

“No, thank you,” she said, her voice betraying her feelings by only a slight stiffness. “I believe I’ll stay.”

Blue eyes had never looked more arctic. “The devil you will.”

The Mail-Order Brides

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