Читать книгу The Trial of the Chicago 7: History, Legacy and Trial Transcript - Bruce A. Ragsdale - Страница 59

Table of Contents


Testimony of Abbie Hoffman, December 23 & 29, 1969

Testimony of Rennie Davis, January 24, 1970

Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Schultz, closing argument for the government, February 11, 1970

Leonard Weinglass, closing argument for the defendants, February 12, 1970

William Kunstler, closing argument for the defendants, February 13, 1970

U.S. Attorney Thomas Foran, closing argument for the government, February 13, 1970

Judge Hoffman, charge to the jury, February 14, 1970

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, decision on the defendants’ appeal of the contempt convictions, May 11, 1972

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, decision on the defendants’ appeal of the criminal convictions, November 21, 1972

Judge Edward Gignoux, decision on the retrial of the contempt convictions—comments on the proper conduct of a trial, December 6, 1973

Anti-Riot Act

“The Strategy of Confrontation,” report of the Daley administration

Walker Report summary

The committee to defend the conspiracy

Tom Wicker, “‘Other Thoughts’ in Chicago”

The Trial of the Chicago 7: History, Legacy and Trial Transcript

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