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November 27, 1940Bruce “Jun Fan” Lee born in the “hour of the dragon” (between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM) in the “year of the dragon.”
February 1941Appears in his first film. He is three months old.
1946In Hong Kong, Bruce Lee begins to film the first of what will total twenty Cantonese-language films before the age of eighteen.
1952Enters Hong Kong’s La Salle College, a Catholic boys’ school.
1953Begins to study gung fu under Yip Man, the venerated grandmaster of the Wing Chun system.
1958Wins Hong Kong’s Crown Colony Cha-Cha Championship.
March 29, 1958Enters St. Francis Xavier High School.
April 29, 1959Departs Hong Kong for America.
May 17, 1959Arrives in San Francisco.
September 3, 1959Arrives in Seattle, Washington. Enters Edison Technical School, beginning in fall quarter.
December 2, 1960Graduates from Edison Technical School.
May 27, 1961Enters the University of Washington, beginning in spring quarter.
March 26, 1963Returns to Hong Kong to visit his family for the first time in four years.
August 1963Returns to Seattle. Leaves the University of Washington after spring quarter 1964.
July 19, 1964Establishes a gung fu institute in Oakland, California.
August 2, 1964Performs at the International Karate Tournament in Long Beach, California.
August 3, 1964Begins gung fu instruction in Oakland.
August 17, 1964Marries Linda Emery in Seattle.
February 1, 1965Bruce and Linda’s son, Brandon Bruce Lee, is born in Oakland on Chinese New Year’s Eve, the “year of the dragon.”
February 8, 1965Bruce Lee’s father, Lee Hoi Chuen, passes away in Hong Kong.
March 1966The Lee family moves to Los Angeles, California.
June 6, 1966Shooting of “The Green Hornet” TV series begins.
February 5, 1967Officially opens the Los Angeles chapter of the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute.
May 6, 1967Performs at National Karate Championships in Washington, D.C.
June 24, 1967Appears at All-American Open Karate Championship, Madison Square Garden, New York City.
July 1967Names his way of martial art jeet kune do.
July 14, 1967Hired to appear in episode of “Ironside” TV series, shot in Los Angeles.
July 30, 1967Performs at the Long Beach International Karate Tournament.
June 23, 1968Attends National Karate Championships in Washington, D.C.
July 5, 1968Hired as the technical director for the movie The Wrecking Crew.
August 1, 1968Hired to play a bad guy in MGM movie Little Sister (later renamed Marlowe).
October 1, 1968Moves to Bel Air, Los Angeles.
November 12, 1968Films episode of “Blondie,” a Universal TV series.
April 19, 1969Birth of Bruce and Linda’s daughter, Shannon Emery Lee, in Santa Monica, California.
1970Returns to Hong Kong with Brandon to visit his family.
1970-71Works with actor James Coburn and screenwriter Stirling Silliphant on screenplay about the philosophy of martial art. Movie is to be entitled The Silent Flute.
1971Begins to collaborate with Warner Brothers on developing TV series, “The Warrior” (later renamed “Kung Fu”).
June 27, 1971Films premiere episode of “Longstreet” TV series for Paramount.
July 1971Goes to Thailand to film The Big Boss (Fists of Fury in North America) for Golden Harvest Studios. Movie breaks all previous box office records in Hong Kong.
December 7, 1971In Hong Kong, receives official word he will not star in “The Warrior”; role has been given to American Caucasian actor David Carradine.
1972• In Hong Kong, films second film for Golden Harvest, Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection in North America), which breaks records set by his previous film, The Big Boss.• Forms his own Hong Kong production company, Concord, and makes directorial debut in The Way of the Dragon (Return of the Dragon in North America); again, shatters all previous Hong Kong box office records.
October-November 1972In Hong Kong, begins preliminary filming of fight sequences for next film, The Game of Death.
February 1973Interrupts filming of The Game of Death to make feature film, Enter the Dragon, in Hong Kong for Warner Brothers.
July 20, 1973Bruce Lee passes away in Hong Kong, his death the result of a cerebral edema caused by hypersensitivity to a prescription medication.
July 31, 1973Bruce Lee is laid to rest in Lakeview Cemetery, Seattle. His pallbearers are friends and students Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Dan Inosanto, Peter Chin, Taky Kimura, and his younger brother, Robert Lee.

Bruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon

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