Читать книгу The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations - Bruce R. Hopkins - Страница 8

Book Citations


Throughout this book, 10 books by Bruce R. Hopkins (in some cases as co‐author), all published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., are referenced in this way:

Book Cited As
1. IRS Audits of Tax‐Exempt Organizations: Policies, Practices, and Procedures (2008) IRS Audits
2. The Law of Fundraising, Fifth Edition (2013) Fundraising
3. The Law of Tax‐Exempt Organizations, Twelfth Edition (2019) Tax‐Exempt Organizations
4. The Law of Intermediate Sanctions: A Guide for Nonprofits (2003) Intermediate Sanctions
5. Planning Guide for the Law of Tax‐Exempt Organizations: Strategies and Commentaries (2004) Planning Guide
6. The Tax Law of Private Foundations, Fifth Edition (2018) Private Foundations
7. Starting and Managing a Nonprofit Organization: A Legal Guide, Seventh Edition (2017) Starting and Managing
8. The Tax Law of Charitable Giving, Fifth Edition (2014) Charitable Giving
9. The Tax Law of Unrelated Business for Nonprofit Organizations (2005) Unrelated Business
10. Tax‐Exempt Organizations and Constitutional Law: Nonprofit Law as Shaped by the Supreme Court (2012) Constitutional Law

The second, third, sixth, and eighth of these books are annually supplemented. Also, updates on all of the foregoing subjects (plus The Law of Tax‐Exempt Healthcare Organizations) are available in Bruce R. Hopkins' Nonprofit Counsel, a monthly newsletter, also published by Wiley.

The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations

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